28. Bitter and still winning.

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"Do you want anything for dinner?"

Dinner? "Dinner?" She voiced her thought as her upper body rose from the bed, her hands clutching the covers to her chest. "It's dinner time?"

Nurain's crossed arms dropped, his eyes squinting in question. "No, but for reservation i mean. It's almost 7."

"7?" Laila exclaimed, her heart picking up pace as she yanked the covers off her and picked her jumpsuit from the floor with shaky hands. Laila wiggled into the jumpsuit at the same time glancing at Nurains confused build. "And you didn't tell me? I have to be home before 7 as long as I'm not doing shit in school!"

Raising a brow, his palms flew into the air. "And? You were not in school since 2 Laila."

"Which is why you should've told me how much I'd lost track of time!" She snapped, using her shaky hands to zip up before placing her palms on her chest to calm herself down. The heart pounds, her heavy and fast pounding had to slow down or she'd slip into an attack.

There weren't going to until she was out, so with a hiss, she reached into her backpack in search of her phone to find the device on 5% with missed calls from Sudais, Maya, and Naimat.

Naimat, that was understandable. But Sudais and Maya? What had happened? Did someone give them intel? Did they know where she was? Did someone see her leaving with Nurain? Did someone know she cheated?

"NO." She let out, shaking her head as she brought a hand over her mouth. She needed to get out and she needed to do it soon.

"Wha-what's wrong?"


Brows creasing in, the man in a T-shirt and shorts let his mouth hang open at her sudden outburst. "I-you..." he then shook his head, following her hasty movements as she shoved her phone back and searched the room frantically. He then let out a humorlessly chuckle, "Of course. Of course, we're what's wrong with us." His laughter died as he stared at her and rose an index. "For a second...wallahi i thought you were changing. I thought you don't go around baselessly accusing people because of your stupid paranoia. I thought you had stopped manipulating things for yourself, but no. Once again, i let you use me!"

Despite her inner turmoil, she smiled, "Oh right. Tell me how that feels?" The heated duo stood in a fierce staring contest for what felt like forever before Laila hissed and clutched the strap of her backpack tighter while sidestepping him and letting the walls rattle after the door as her departing gift.

Over her stupid duplicitous blurry eyes, she held a cab and sat at the edge of the seat as she clasped her shaky hands, unclasped them, bury her face in her palms, and repeat.

But wait, why was she even stressing? For all she knew those weeks Sudais spent in Lagos were used boning different women at different events, right? He had admitted to wanting sex and only sex from her on incalculable occasions, right? And now that she had stupidly let him have his filthy ways with her, he was going to toss her, right? She cheated once and he, even though she didn't have proof, she was sure he cheated numerous times, right?

Mostly right.

So, why the hell was she dreading seeing him?

He hurt her. She was supposed to be the one hurting him.

She wasn't supposed to be moved by him or his stupidly bewitching smile or tired voice. She wasn't supposed to feel her pulse quicken and feel pins and needles in her stomach whenever he said something genuine like; 'You're so beautiful,' Or, 'You're so smart,' Or small things like getting her apples, or switching the lights off and gathering her lecture notes off the bed after she had spontaneously fallen asleep.

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