27. I'm dirty, cheap and loosing my mind.

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"Sadiya..." Warm palms set on Laila's body over the covers. She unconsciously hummed, internally cursed the person trying to cut short her sleep and dragged the cover over her neck further.

Sudais sighed, grabbing his legs to fold them underneath his thighs. He inched further with determination as he placed his palms on her and shook her. "Sadiya...wake up!"

Laila groaned, shifting side to side as she thrashed her legs in frustration. Her eyes slowly opened and she blinked several times before landing them on Sudais. The nightstand light casted a shadow over his face.

As if she didn't believe her eyes, she slowly pried her hand up to touch his face. It wasn't a dream, her fingers felt the low trim hair on his sideburns in confirmation and she dropped them. Yawning, she inquired. "Wha-t is it?"

He raised a stripped leather to her face and wiggled it, feeling accomplishment surge throughout his body. "I got you your apples."

Laila's heavy eyes widened at that, she reached a hand out to feel the content of the bag, and indeed, it was apples. In a whisper, she examined. "You-you got me apples?" motioning at the bed chamber door in astonishment, "B-but they weren't...it was empty. I-i was-I'm sure they were empty."

He shrugged, a wry smile pushing the sides of his lips as his husky-sleep-deprived voice melted into both their ears. "Yeah...I uh-i went out to get you some but all the stores were closed...So i went to the main family house because they always have this stuff and got it for you."

Laila's eyes frenetically alternated between him and the leather he had dropped to the bed when he actualized holding it up was making his arm ache. She jolted around in search of her phone and found it on the nightstand. Her eyes flushed close at the brightness but slowly opened to adjust to it.

She shoved the phone at his face, her eyes narrowed in confusion as she seeked for an answer. "It's 3:27 Am, Sudais. Why would you do that?"

The things men do for women. He shrugged, tilting his head to the side with his open palm holding it to stare at her as if she was the most interesting thing in the world. She was his most interesting thing in the world. "You want apples every night. So, you'll get apples every night."

Laila's head fell forward in deep thought but she was quick to push everything away along with her phone. She roughly pushed the leather of apples to the other side of the bed before draping her arm around Sudais' neck who was quick to jerk back at the suddenness of her action, suddenly too jolted to apprehend why she would get so close and resulting in his heart beating loud and fast, almost out of his chest. She hoisted her thigh-length silk nightie and fiercely planted her plump butt on his lap.

In utter jolt, Sudais' muscles tensed up as he pulled his head back and stuttered, "Wha-Sadiya? Why-what are you doing?"

Her head fell to his chest and she slowly ran the edge of her nose from the cotton vest up to his neck to linger there. She sharply inhaled, letting his paradisaical scent romance her nostrils before letting out a loud breath of satisfaction, and giggled. Her breath, hot and wet, voice low-in a whisper, she admitted. "I've always loved how you smelt, especially at night..." she took another loud sniff of him while grinding her flesh on his clothed lap. "You...you smell like the sea."

She felt him physically relax and his hand came up to grab her waist as he swiped his dilated eyes over her neck, heart leaping to his tongue. "Aleda vision...Sea breeze, that's the cologne."

She hummed, rubbing her nose against his neck.

"You?" He whispered, placing a hand on her shoulder to pull her back a bit. Just like she did, only much more intense, he almost died right then as he ran the edge of his nose from her neck down her chest, between her boobs to her navel, and then back up. "You always smell different at night too..." he paused to suck a breath through his teeth, almost in pleasurable spasm before he added, "wild. Insane..."

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