49. Choke you to death.

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The next few days flew by in a blur, consisting of Laila fighting with Mami every day to take a shower, running from home to the hospital and back, holding Sudais' hand and placing her head on his bed all night, talking to him, begging him to please not give her another heart condition and wake up, and spending time meeting people from all over the country coming in to see a still unconscious Sudais.

She had even met his family from his deceased mother's side and his elder brothers who flew in the moment they heard the news. The new king, Suleiman Mamman, had been generous enough to drop by twice to check up on his nephew.

Everything had gone okay, as okay as it could be, the doctors were still urging them to pray but Sudais' vitals had shown cooperation, his bruises and stitches healing, his breathing becoming less hoarse and more steady, his x-rays showing quite the hope they were searching for. His state of consciousness couldn't be praised that good though.

Laila had never regretted studying medicine that much. She knew more than the rest knew whenever the doctors spoke in medical terms. Knowing well that his body wanted to live but his brain wasn't giving the order to.

Laila had stepped out to the cafeteria after the crew of doctors had come in to slant Sudais to another side and do some checkups and was on her way back when she caught sight of someone she couldn't believe her eyes were seeing.

With her emotions packed, she decided she was going to walk past the woman and head for the room. She did so by standing between the soldiers in front of the room and ordering them to not let that person in.

The woman made the mistake of calling out Laila, "Laila, wait!"

She did wait. Alongside that, she told the guards to stay on alert before she twisted, marching to the woman.

"You have a lot of nerve showing up here," was the first thing Laila told the woman while crossing her arms over her chest.

The woman sighed, her eyes dark and her face devoid of makeup. "I just wanted to see him."

"And i just wanted to tell you you won't see him." Laila dropped her hands after that, turning to walk away until a hand grabbed her arm.

She snatched her arm out of the grasp, anger flashing in her face as she gritted, "Don't touch me."

"I just want to see him."

"I am not letting you see the man you almost had killed, Naja'atu. If you know what's best, you better turn your hypocritical self around and get going before i have guys beat you up."

Naja lifted a hand and placed it atop her large baby bump, "No matter what happens, he is still my husband and the father of my child."

Laila couldn't help it, she yelled, "The same father you conspired to kill!"

"I didn't conspire to kill him, Laila!"

"Admit to it once and for all will you?" Laila needed an outlet, and Naja'atu was going to be receiving the action. "You married Sudais to get me out of his life. Then when you couldn't, you conspired to kill him and put it on me. It didn't work sweetheart." She poked a finger into Naja's chest, suddenly not caring that the woman was pregnant, "Because of your ugly tendencies, you conspired to kill the man who treated you well. You are a horrible woman. I hope you won't raise this innocent kid. We'll take custody and take him far away from you, you'll never see him again." Laila pulled back, waving one of the soldiers over, "Get this woman out of my sight!"


Laila's eyes closed at the sound, her head throwing itself back and her lungs taking in a deep breath.

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