Chapter 52

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The smell of grass filled her nose, making Cassie sniffle. "Don't tell me your allergic." Elijah watched as she rubbed her nose, "I have no idea, there wasn't an instruction label when it came to poor Lorraine here." He chuckled and pulled his handkerchief from his back pocket, "Here, perhaps you'll make less noise that way. You're scaring off the animals." Her face dropped at his playfulness despite their earlier arguing. As soon as Cassie awoke that morning she had apologized profusely to Elijah, for her behavior and hitting him, multiple times. He had insisted she had every right to be angry. "Really funny 'Lijah... real funny." His smile only grew, watching as Cassie slammed the nail into the board. "Why are we out here again?" Cassie bit her lip as she looked down at the hammer in her hand. "Because the lovely Camille believes that we both, need a distraction from what haunts us." She snorted at the idea, "Yeah cause physical labor is going to push away the bad thoughts that have been consuming our very being."

"That is what she believes, yes." She giggled and let out a long sigh, "I am grateful for her though. She took Hope and the twins to the supermarket for a little while, said I needed a day to myself." Elijah slammed his hammer into the nail, "She does have a point, you don't take care of yourself like you used to." Cassie dropped the hammer and put her hands on her hips, "What's that supposed to mean? Yes I have a three day old stain on this sweater of lord knows what, yes there are bags under my eyes, and yes my hair is a mess... oh god I am a mess." He raised an eyebrow watching as Cassie's arms dropped in defeat, "I used to be hot, not that Lorraine isn't hot but I mean... I'm a mess, my confidence is gone, I'm getting older..." She ran her hands down her face and let out something between a groan and a scream.

"You're still gorgeous Cassandra... don't doubt that for a second." Her hands stopped and she looked through her fingers. Elijah sat still and admired her from the barn that they were meant to be fixing. He dropped his hammer and shifted his gaze, looking at the farm. "Elijah..." He finally looked back at her, their eyes met and she could've sworn her heart skipped a beat. "If I kissed you right now would you regret it?" His eyebrows raised ever so slightly, hinting at the shock of her question. "No. But would you?" Cassie bit her lip and contemplated what she was thinking of doing. She shook her head and launched her body forward. Elijah wrapped his big arms around her waist, catching her into a tight embrace. She wrapped her arms around his neck and when their lips met Cassie froze.

The feeling of his lips on hers sent a shiver down both of their spines. Elijah gripped at her hip, digging his fingers into the fabric of her jeans. Cassie drug her hand to his face, pulling him in even more than a few moments before. Their lips clashed and collided, electricity building between the bare skin that was touching. Elijah forced himself to pull away, sighing against her lips. She realized why he did it when she finally heard the sound of his phone ringing. Cassie's arms fell when he pulled away to grab his phone. She couldn't hear who was on the other end, but by the way they were shouting she could tell it was serious. Her heart began to speed up as someone came right into her view point, Elijah still had his back to the familiar face. Cassie gripped onto his dress shirt, tugging slightly. He finally turned around and quickly hung up the phone.

     "I would say it's nice seeing you again but I wouldn't want to lie to you Finn." He chuckled, "Cassandra... I hate to use such vulgar terms but has anyone ever told you how much of a sociopathic bitch you are?" She would be lying if she said the words didn't sting a little, "Yes. Multiple times on multiple different occasions but thank you for the reminder." Finn put his hands inside his pockets, "Where are the children?" Cassie raised an eyebrow taking a step forward, "Children, as in plural?" She carefully took another step towards him, trying her best to keep him calm. "Yes, my mother thought it would be best to appease you by giving the twins over. That didn't work out quite so well for Eternal Coven now did it? I've come to write the wrongs of my mother and to take back what's mine." Cassie smirked, "Yours? You think that our children are associated to you in any way, shape, or form?"

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