Chapter 1: Girlfriend?

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"Kallisto," the manager, April, starts I internally groan I hate that name.

"Kali. My name's Kali." I correct her, interrupting her.

"Fine. Kali, take these papers up to Kaden. Be quick about it, he's expecting them." She said with an eye roll and attitude.

"Yes ma'am." I say sarcastically, holding back an eye roll. I stand and straighten my red skirt set, pulling my blazer closed. This makes no since to you, but this is where my story begins.

Hi, I'm Kallisto but my friends call me Kali. I am a paid intern for one of the largest financial companies in California. I'm the bottom of the totem pole fresh out of college trying to make it in a world that has been so cruel to me. Every day is a fight to servive, every day it takes all I am to wake up and put on a mask to come to work. The man I work for, Kaden Knight, is the CEO and founder of Knights Financials and he is a  very good looking man.  The small glances I get of him make it worth working here with April, the manager of my suffering. I swear I work more than she does and yet, I'm never given credit for it. She always take all the credit. Yeah that's my lot in life. Anyways back to the story...

I knock on the office door lightly as I walk in. Not paying attention to the fact hes in a meeting with a rather pudgy man in a cheep suit trying to look richer than he is.

" Sir, April has requested me to deliver these." I say as I walk in, and realize my mistake. " Sorry sir, I didn't realize you were with someone."

The puggy man looks at me intensively undressing me with his eyes. I blush before he speaks up, " This is the kind of woman that we needed to find."

He struggles to get up out of the chair as he walks around me. I look to Mr. Knight who is also looking at me intensively, I can feel his gaze looking over my slender muscular body. I feel the blush deepen and a pool of warmth in my core. "Sir?" I ask.

" Have a seat with us Mrs?" Kaden says, He doesn't know my name... Figures. I've been here for 4 months, and I'm bottom of the pole.

"Just Kali, sir." I say moving to sit in one of the leather chairs in his office seating space. "Is there something I can help you with, gentlemen?" I ask crossing my ankles and setting the folder in my lap, like it would provide me extra protection under their intense stares.

"I'm Randall." Mr pudgy introduces himself, " I am a marketing manager, and am been graciously given a chance to change the face of the company." I raised eyebrow at him, I don't understand what this has to do with me. But he seems on a roll so I just stay quiet as he continues. "We have thought that it was a good idea for Mr. Knight  to be in a relationship, but for reasons of his own he doesn't want a real relationship. We were just talking about what a perfect woman would look like to stand in as his girlfriend. And we think that should be you." He finished in a rush. I looked at him dumfounded.

I don't think, no I know I am no where in league with Kaden Knight. This has got to be some joke that April help set up. I keep looking between the two men shocked to silence.

Kaden looks at me, " Would you consider it?"

" How? I'm nowhere near your league. I've just graduated college, and am struggling as it is. How would I be able to keep up to your lavish lifestyle? I'm not from your world! So my question is, how do you see this working?" I say in a disheartened rant. It would never work. Interested, yes I am. No straight women wouldn't be, and even some lesbians I know would go straight for him. But it's just impossible. 

Kaden thinks for a moment, "I have a feeling that between the two of us we can come up with the contract of sorts, I know this isn't ideal. But I'm not capable of loving anybody. So this is probably my best bet coming up with this new image. What if I were to pay you on top of what you make here at work, for each social event I will provide a dress and shoes and makeup etc for you. If you're struggling I'm assuming you mean by housing, if you want to come live on my property we can set you up with a nice comfy room. My house has over 11 rooms you can choose which one you would like. And as for you not coming from my world, that's the best thing about this entire situation. The dealings, and drama that are started by people of money won't matter to you and you could just be there as a support for me. Please say you'll consider it."

In an instant, all of my worries are soothes away. His voice alone soothes me. I think about it, he's addressed all of my concerns and I know that this might actually work with his logic. But what happens if I fall in love? Can I handle that heartbreak?

"Listen,"Kaden starts again,"you don't have to make the decision right now. How about tonight after work we go out for dinner, a more private way for you and I to discuss what is needed to determine if you're willing to take this opportunity or not."

I nod. Dinner I can do, "I'm okay with that. Thank you gentlemen, you've given me alot to think about." I say standing. "I've got to get back to work, my lack presence will be noticed."  I say leaving the file on the chair and walking out of the room. I feel the intense stares of Kaden Knight until the door to his office closed.

I returned to my work, left slightly in a daze. While continuing my numbers, calculations and spreadsheets I thoroughly think about why I should not do this. I know all the reasons I should, the money he offered, getting to date Kaden freaking Knight, a chance to be in a world that I don't belong in. But the thing that makes it the hardest is that that's also a reason why I shouldn't, I'd be in a world that I don't belong in.

What will I do? And what does he want, his girlfriend by week his roommate by weekend? I guess I'll have to wait until dinner to find out.

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