Chapter 4: Relocation

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We continued through work and the day getting much done. Kaden asked to give me a ride to my dingy apartment, I was embarrassed but agreed. So here we sit while I try to swallow my embarrassment.

"Okay," I say putting my hand on the door handle, "Let's do this."

On the ride over Kaden asked me when I wished to move into his house, but when he saw the rundown building that I lived in his eyes held anger and sorrow. "I can't believe you live here." He said with a pitiful look.

" Oh, it's worse inside. But it's what I could afford. I graduated with my bachelor's in Finance and accounting about 7 months ago. I was a broke collage student, and this took everything I had to get in." I explained.

He followed me into the building holding me close to him as we walked up to the fifth floor, no elevator. He looked at me from the side of his eyes, " Why didn't you move after you started at the company?"

I looked at him then quickly dropped my eyes, "I was just an intern. I made minimum wage, which in our state is $7.25. I knew that if I wanted to grow I had to start at the bottom, I was okay with it. But it has bearly been enough for rent let alone paying off my collage loans, food, a vehicle or new clothes. I made the office clothes I have now." I admitted honestly.

I looked up at him because of his silence he looked like I'd just punched him in the gut before he finally muttered, " I failed you. I failed you as an employee, your worth so much more than that!"  He stayed silent for a long while, collecting himself.

"No,no,no,no. Shh." I comforted him, placing my hand on his check. " You didn't know, and I can understand why you didn't realize the difficulties faced with a check to check living. You've only failed if you don't better it for the future." I said.

"First things first, pack a bag. Your not staying here again." He started, "Then Monday I'd like your help to determine what a living wage actually is so we can correct this problem."

"Okay," I say adding, "Daddy."

I quickly pack a bag for a couple of days when he says, "Tomorrow the movers will come and pack the rest of your belongings and bring them to my place." He said with a firm taught voice.

I nod. I'm anxious about how this is going to work, and how fast it was happening but I don't voice my concerns. In a mere fifteen minutes, we're back in his car driving to the opposite side of the city. 

While we drove I noticed that the houses just stopped and it was just trees as far I I could see. After a mile he turns off the road, I look around in wonder. "I like my privacy." He explained.

Well, that was obvious. We continued down a long winded driveway. After what feel like forever there was a break in the trees that held a large meadow where his mansion was. There was a wrap around drive way. I get out of the car as he holds the door open for me staring up at his home. I was a huge modern villa. The outside of the house was white stone, aside from the floor to ceiling windows of the living room and directly below it a large dining room. It was 5 stories, and above the first 2 floors were windows dotting the building, windows I'd assumed belonging to bedrooms.  There was a colorful and well manicured garden around the driveway that lead to the home.

"It's beautiful." I said taking it all in. He grinned and offered me an arm as we walked in. Shortly after we entered the home a women in her late 40s walked up to us asking to take out coats, I hand her mine and watch her put it in a closet.  I take in the foyer, it had a high vaulted ceiling, the walls were a light silver color and trimmed in a navy blue.

"Unfortunately I don't have the ability to give you a full tour today, I'll put you in one of the prepared guest rooms while Hailey gets the room you choose set up for you." He states.

Hailey comes to stand with Kaden, " Sir, if I may inquire about the duration of your guests stay? "

" Indefinitely, Hailey this is Kali and she will be living here from here on." He said introducing us.

I smile and lift my hand in a wave, "Nice to meet you."

Hailey only nodded in return. "I'll set an extra setting for dinner.  Right this way Ms.Kali." she said pointing to the grand staircase with her arm. I fallow her unsure of what else to do, while she explained the running of the house. " You are welcome to explore we have 16 rooms, a pool, a theater, a small bowling alley, 2 ballrooms, a weight room, a library, 3 dinning rooms and 2 kitchens. Here's a key card, it opens the rooms your allowed to explore. If the card does not open the room, do not enter it. Mr.Knight is a private man and like to be left alone, so if you need anything or you get lost find one of the speaker boxes that are in most rooms and call to kitchen 2 and I will come help you. Any questions?" She asked stopping Infront if a dark oak door. I shake my head no. " This is where you'll be staying until you chose a room to move into. Dinners at 8pm, don't be late." She finishes walking off. 

With a deep breath I open the door to my temporary room. When I walked in my eyes widened, the room has dusty pink walls with a white trim. The bed was a king with white drapes falling from the canopy. A rose colored comforter adorned the bed with a sage throw blanket, and more pillows than I've ever slept on. There was a desk on the wall by a door and a dresser with a vanity on the wall by the door I just came in. I looked through the door closest to me and realized that it was a large walk in closet. I try the second door to find a large bathroom with a walk-in shower and large jetted tub. The bathroom was the size of my apartment alone.

I sit on the center of the bed cross legged, as I try to figure out what to do next. Today was Friday, so no work tomorrow. Maybe I'll explore after dinner. I think looking at the clock on the bedside table realizing dinner was still 2 hours away. After setting an alarm I sit there with my eyes closed trying to hear the sounds of this mansion, so it won't bother me when I try to sleep tonight.

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