19. Sunday

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This whole weekend I have been sick to my stomach, getting sick multiple times a day. I've never had anxiety this bad. I started reaching out to my old friends, the people that I knew in college. Making plans just in case he chooses her instead of me. I'll have somewhere to go, I've started investing the money that I got from the contract and making plans for the stipend that I would receive for him breaking the contract. I'll be set for life living off of the payments made to me from my investments.

Today is Sunday today's the day that he has to make his decision. I can't keep doing this forever it is making me so sick to my stomach every time I think about the fact that he can choose her. Something in my heart tells me that he will, but I'm trying not to listen. I'm trying to be optimistic.

I go down for lunch and sit at the table where we had enjoyed multiple meals together, find him at the other end staring at me asking tedious questions and beating around the bush.

"How's your day?" He asked.

"It's fine." I say eating my lunch.


" It's Sunday, what's your decision?" I interrupt.

He takes a deep breath, " I love you Kali, but the more that I think about it the more I agree this isn't fair to you. This isn't what you signed up for, I'm going to release you from the contract and pay you the stipend amount that we agreed upon of 4 million dollars for me breaking the contract. I have to choose her Kali. I didn't think that she would wake up and I know that that doesn't leave you feeling any better about the situation. But this isn't fair for me to continue to love her and grow love for her, and string you along." He finally finished.

My stumic turns, "thank you for being honest with me. I'm sorry that this didn't work out how we hoped it would. I'll be okay I found somewhere to go, give me a week to move out." I said sounding stronger than I felt. While my heart breaks to a million little pieces in my chest.

I leave the rest of my lunch as my stomach is turning, searching out for the closest bathroom. My stomach empties itself all over again while tears run down my cheeks and my face feels like it's on fire. I can't feel it yet, I can't fall apart yet. But how I want to. In an instant all the dreams, the plans, the hopes for the future just vanished. After I move it'll take time to mourn what should have been, if my damn stomach would give me the time to pack my room I'd be out before that week.

Instead I focus this anger on the fact that I keep getting sick, I am not weak. I need to make a doctor's appointment, I'm going to ask for anxiety medication so that this stomach problem stops. I trudge myself up the stairs into my bedroom and pull out the boxes that are still collecting dust in my closet and slowly start to pack my room together. I messaged my doctor on their chart app and get a doctor's appointment for the same day.

At the doctor's appointment they had me take urine sample, to run some tests to see what is causing my upset stomach. They took some blood work to make sure that I am healthy before putting me on a mild anxiety medication.

I popped the anxiety medication and lay on my bed, letting the calm wash me into his sleep ignoring the beef of my phone as a message comes through my chart.

When I wake up from my nap I continue to pack and slowly start to pack my car, I drive it to my friend Allie's house and slowly start to put my stuff in her garage. Tonight is going to be the first night that I stay at Allie's because I can't stand to stay in that mansion with him one more night. That place feels so small when your heart is breaking into a million pieces.

Over the course of the day and night I managed to get everything I owned out of the room that I had called mine, never once stopping to check my phone to see if there was a message from him. I was proud of myself, but now with my turn to fall apart.

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