11. Arrangements

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The next morning I slowly woke up. Feeling the side of the bed that Kaden slept in, it's cold. My hand brushes against a piece of paper. I take the paper as I sit up.

Good Morning Baby Girl-
I have some things I've got to handle today, explore more and choose a room for the both of us to decorate together. It's time our arrangements become combined. I slept better last night than I have in a year. Thank you for last night.

I smile to myself as I read the note. Just as I finish reading there was a knock at the door. "Come in." I called out.

"Hello Kali, Mr. Night asked me to bring you up breakfast this morning." Said a maid I hadn't met yet.

" Thank you." I said as she set the food in the table beside the bed.

"There's also a letter that goes with breakfast." I smile, as she continues. " I'm Ally. I'll be your personal maid while you're here. Anything you need or want just ring down to me in kitchen 2."

"Thank you Ally." I was stunned, my own maid? It wasn't necessary and I didn't know what it entails I've never had someone wait on me.

"Ring me when your ready for your bath." I smile towards her as she leaves the room. I silently eat my breakfast as I open the letter.

I wanted to write you more than the note I left in my absence. Today is Saturday, I'm going to visit Roslyn. Her father Richard is going to meet me there and he has expressed that he'd like to meet you.

Before you say no, I want you to know that he's aware that our relationship is real, and that I'm falling in love with you. Kali, you've taken my heart by storm and last night was one of many that I hope we can have.

If your answer is yes, Ally will help you dress to meet us at the restaurant. Cade will drive you, be ready at 9. I'm sorry I didn't ask about how you felt about Ally's job, but I feel more comfortable that she's with you. I think you two are fairly similar and could become friends. She will teach you what you are required to do in my world of drama, how to act, how to dress. Here is my black card, go shopping to update your wordrobe today. Both day and night attire.

With love, K

I refold the letter and place it in my bag along the side of my photo of us as I finish eating. I ring the system for kitchen two.

"Yes ma'am?" The response came

"Please send Ally to my room." I say as I enter my closet picking out comfortable clothes to wear while we shop. Not long after I hear a slight knock at my door fallowed by Ally anouncing her presence.

"Ma'am, are you ready for your bath?" She asked as she moved from the door to the bed. I come out of the closet to see her turning down my bedding and dropping the soiled bedding down a clothing shoot.

"No, Ally. We're going shopping." I say with a smile, "Do you have anything else to wear?" I asked realizing she had on a maid alfet. It was a navey blue dress and white apron. It reminds me too much of an Amish alfet. Seeing her shaking her head no I grab a pair of my jeans and a tee shirt from my closet. "Here try these. I don't want you to feel out of place while we shop. And from now on I'd prefer you to dress in normal clothes."

She looked apprehensively at the clothes, "Ma'am, Mr. Knight would not like this."

"Are you to be with me everywhere? All day?" I ask pointedly.

"Yes Ma'am." She responded.

" It's Kali, and I will deal with Kaden. I prefer you to be comfortable." I said. A smile spread across her face as she ran to change her clothes.

"Thanks Ma- Kali!" She squeels as she changes.

When she comes out I smile, " They fit perfectly, you look nice!" Ally is a Latino, she's big busted, and has a round butt. Her skin looks sun kissed even in the dead of winter. She has full lips and long black hair. Her eyelashes would make any women jealous. Her hands were rough, like she's known hard work her whole life, but I'll let her tell me about it on her own time.

I ring down and inform Cade that we'll be heading to the mall soon.  Shopping. One of the many things I do not like to do.  I hope to make this as quick as possible, and could do nothing but giggle at Ally's excitement.

That should have been my first clue. 

5 hours later

I should have known. Ally was a shopping machine. It's been hours, we haven't eaten yet and I feel my energy being sucked out of me at an alarming rate. It hasn't been all bad tho, Ally and I have been getting to know each other. She's 20 years old, has a brother that she takes care of. Her parents still live in Mexico and she's an immigrant. Her story is sad tho, they came over the boarder without Visas and her mom and dad were deported when she was 17. Because she was almost 18 they approved her application for work visia as long as she cared for her brother. My heart felt for her, I couldn't understand the pain she feels, but I am still empathetic.

While we shopped, I've encouraged Ally to pick out a couple of things with me. She argued it was not appropriate but I rebuttaled with; if she was going to be with me daily she'd have to have proper clothes for each event. It won her over, she opened up and even felt safe asking if she could get one or two things for Mica, her brother. I agreed happily.  Kaden was right, I see us becoming great friends.  Cade dropped us off at the restaurant just in time for dinner. I was famished after the entire day shopping.

Ally's shopping trips were no joke. I can't help but wonder where she has the Energizer bunny hooked up to her. She still has so much energy and I'm almost lethargic.

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