Chapter 3: Daddy

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In the morning after our date I walked into work and mindlessly walked to my assigned desk, not fully waking up until I realized that none of my belongings were on my desk.  I look around shocked, not wanting to take my coat and purse into the meeting with Kaden, but it looks like I had no choice.

I headed to the elevator that lead to the top offices, selecting the top floor. When I step off the elevator a male receptionist greeted me.

"Welcome to Mr. knights office how can I help you?" He greeted, stumbling slightly. It was apparent that he was not used to doing the greetings.  

"Mr.Knight is expecting me." I said. Looking around the sitting area and office space as he alerted Kaden to my presence. There are tan cloth couches in the corner coupled with a matching chair. A tan and light blue rug adorned the floor.  The man sat at a dark desk and directly across from the desk was another. With a startling realization I noticed there was a box on the empty desk with my belongings in it.

"Send her in." I hear over the intercom.

I stand straightening my black skirt, running my hands over my royal blue blouse as I make my way into his office. Stopping only to discard my bag and coat with my other items as I walk into his office.

"Good morning,Kali." Kaden called out as he stood from his desk.

" Morning," I replied as he joined me. "Why was my desk cleared out?"

" Because upon signing this contract, your new position in the company is as my personal assistant. I'd want you closer to me." I look at him bewildered, as I see a smirk and lustful eyes staring back. " It will also make it easier for us to get to spend some time together."

"Do you have the paperwork?" I asked. He nodded handing me the paperwork as we sat on the same chairs from yesterday. I read over the paperwork as I feel his heated, lustful gaze checking out my body and attire.

"You look beautiful, how is it that I never saw you before yesterday?" He mummers to me.

"Because I was never permitted to leave my desk, I was doing the work of three people and Amanda took all the credit for herself." I state factually, " She's going to be angry that I'm no longer working for her." I finish as I sign the paperwork he handed me.

His grin spreads widely, " I'm glad you accepted our agreement. The first quarter payment will be put in your account soon." He said. " Now settle into your new desk while I get my next meeting over with. They should be arriving shortly."

I stood to walk out, " And Kali, come tell me personally when they are here."

"Yes, Sir." I reply walking to my new desk. First I hang my coat and bag on the coat rack that sits against the wall.  Then start on emptying the box of my belongings, placing them on my desk or in the appropriate drawers.  While I'm working on my belongings I allow my mind to fantasize about Mr. Kin... No Kaden taking advantage of me in his office. It's been so long since I was in a relationship, dispite this one being essentially fake I definitely missed sex.

The bell of the elevator pulled me from my thoughts, I look up to see whom I'm greeting. Ah it's Amanda, this should be fun.

"What are you doing up here?" She asked rudely.

I smile," Please have a seat, I'll inform Mr.Knight your here for your meeting." I reply sweetly. She was not going to ruin my mood for the day, I'm so glad I don't have to work with her daily any longer.

"How the hell did you become his secretary from a nobody?" She sneered.

I ignored her as I walked into Kaden's office lightly knocking in the door. "Mr. Kni.." I start

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