18. Wedding Day

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Kali POV

Today leaves a bitter feeling in my gut. It was supposed to be our wedding day, the dress has been bought, and the rings have been purchased. However with Roslyn waking up our wedding has been pushed off. Over the last couple of weeks Kaden has been spending more and more time with Roslyn and less and less time with me. Even now, on a day that should have been about us and happy, he is with her on a date. I never would have expected it to go this far when I agreed to allow him to pretend to be her fiance still. Now it's leaving a sick feeling in my stomach and I've got to figure out what to do about it.

I sit here on my bed reading the same page over and over again wondering what they're doing. Today should have at least been spent with me. If he loved me at all he would have been here for me right?

"Pull it together Kali." I whisper to myself shaking my head.

A wave of nausea hits my stomach as I think about this, I dropped the book and run to the bathroom to up everything I had eaten this morning.

"Look at this you're making yourself sick, you really need to pull it together Kali." I tell myself as I clean myself up.

I hear the familiar sound of his car driving up the drive, I can't help but run to the window to look out excited that he finally remembered that today was supposed to be an important day. Only for my heart to fall when I see him open the passenger side door and Rosalyn steps out. This is something we're definitely going to have to talk about.

Kaden POV

The more time I spend with Rosalind the more I fall in love with her again, she seems to be getting back her memory but even then I can't stop what I've started. For me I'm no longer pretending, Rose is such a sweetheart it is so hard to just stop caring about her.

As we pulled into the driveway I looked up it to the window that belongs to Kali's room and smile. I've got a decision to make and I know it. A nagging feeling that today was something important, but I can't remember what it was.

"Are you going to help me out?" Came Roes voice as I stood out by my car. With a sigh I open her door mumbling my apologies. She wanted to come back to the house, the attention she was getting from the tabloids has been running her ragged.

They want to know what I'm going to do. If I'm going to stay with Kali or if I'm going to rekindle my relationship with Roslyn. She has been nothing but a sweetheart since she woke up, it's like the mean streak that she had is gone. She used to be very vindictive, and scheming. But I haven't seen this since she woke up, the doctor said she can go back to work and I've been thinking about giving her Kali's job and having Kali just be my personal assistant. But I haven't gotten to speak with Kali about anything that has been happening, I've been spending too much time with Roe.

I don't even know what I'm going to do yet, and I'm getting calls from the tabloids asking which woman am I going to be with. I still love Kali, but now I love Roe as well. I've gotten myself into a bit of a pickle.

Kali POV

I meet him downstairs, as he comes in the door. He looks so happy, I don't feel like I've ever made him that happy.

"Kaden, can I talk to you in the library for a moment."

"Yes." He says walking into the library behind me.

"Do you know what today is?" I asked him a little bit of dread in the pit of my stomach.

"Uh, it's Friday." He responds confused.

Hurt flashes over my face, "today would have been our wedding day. And you forgot, and to make it feel worse you spent the day with her. If there was ever a time that I should be beyond upset about how this arrangement has worked out it would have been today when I needed you the most over the sadness of our wedding not happening. I feel like you're choosing her over me. And we're the ones in a relationship, by the end of the weekend I need you to make a decision because it's all over the tabloids. You spend very little time with me since she's woken up, I agreed to this arrangement until she got her memory back, until she was able to walk again. And she has achieved both of those accomplishments." I rush out, my anxiety taking over as I spoke.

"Are you really going to make me choose?" He asked, unsure of what to say.

"Yes, because it's not fair to either of us. today was supposed to be one of the happiest days of our life, our life together. And I'm mourning the loss of the day and what it was supposed to bring, and you show up with her on your arm. This is stupid, and it's making me sick to my stomach." I tell him.

"If I have to make a decision I will, you'll have my answer by the end of the weekend." He said before turning and walking off leaving me alone in the library.

I feel my stomach turn and I make a mad dash for the downstairs bathroom. Just to hover over the toilet and nothing to come up because my stomach is already empty.

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