20. New beginnings and determination

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I turned my phone off and left it off for the first couple of days of being at Ally's house, I let myself fall apart with Allie's help and guidance I have been able to fully pull myself back together. Today is the first day that I turned on my phone, it's been 5 minutes and the notifications are still coming through.

"Still?" Ally asked

"Yes still, I dropped off the face of the Earth. It's been a week Ally. I stopped going to work and stopped responding to everybody. There's bound to be a couple of people worried about me." I say to her as she sets a cup of tea in front of me. I sit there and sip my tea as the notifications ring on my phone, and then my phone rings. I look at the collar ID and see that it's my doctor's office. I answered the call,"hello."

"Hello Kallisto, we've been trying to get a hold of you regarding your blood tests and your urine sample. Is now a good time to talk to you?"

"Yes, I'm available now."

"Well, everything on your blood work looks healthy and you have no UTIs or anything like that. The only thing that we found is that you had a positive pregnancy test, congratulations."

I started to hyperventilate right there on the phone, I'm not sick I'm pregnant. I didn't expect this, yes we had sex, yes it was unprotected. But with everything that's going on it leaves a new dilemma what do I do. Do I tell him, but if I tell him does that mean that he'll change his decision? I don't want him to change his decision just because I'm pregnant. In a matter of moments my hyperventilation stopped and I decided that I was going to be alone and single mother. Kaden threw me away, at least that's how it felt. I'm not going to give him a chance to throw away our child too.

"By your reaction I take it as this is a surprise, I'm sorry I would have expected you to know. But by the blood test we were able to see that you are having a baby boy. Do you have any family to help you?"

"Thank you for your concern, it did come as a surprise to me I will set an appointment with an OBGYN as soon as I can. And it's wonderful that it's a boy, as much as this come to a shock to me this is the very thing that might keep me going right now. Thank you for all the information you shared with me and yes I have friends and family that can help me. You have a nice day."

Aly raises her eyebrows at me, "what was that about?"

I just shake my head no, as I start to process everything that has been said to me, and I start to think about all of the responsibility that's about to fall on my shoulders and my shoulders alone but that was my decision. I take a moment to take a couple deep breaths because I feel that turning pit in my stomach again, no I can do this. "I'm pregnant."

"That bastard." She says.

Why is he the bastard I think to myself. I'm the one who knows it's up to me to decide if he finds out. All of my plans have been turned upside down again, but that's a problem for a whole another day. I have enough money I know that we'll be financially set I have a total of 5 million in the bank and my investments are starting to really pay off. Before the baby is born I think I need to decide if I'm going to keep working, or if I'm going to live off of the investments that I've made. Those are problems for another day, I take a sip of my tea with a small smile on my face. I'm growing a baby boy inside of me.

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