10. Home

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Kali POV

When we arrived home I felt the heat core back through my body at the promises of my reward. I wonder what it would be.  As we walked into the foyer of the large house I felt him shut the door swiftly before he spun me around and pinned me to the door claiming my mouth on his.

I could feel it; his hunger, the desperation, and the need. The warmth in my belly spreads like wild fire as my body responds to his assault on my mouth. Our tungs dance for dominance; breathe something we both forgot about.  I couldn't help the little wine that left my lips as he pulled away setting his forehead on mine as we both pant air into our screaming lungs.

"I've wanted to do that all day." Kaden whispered into my ear.  I moan slightly at his confession, I want him to do so much more. "Go to the play room, take your clothes off and wait for me." He commanded.

I walked up the stairs to the playroom and did as I was told. Naked I sat with my knees to the ground and displayed myself for him in a way that I hoped he'd enjoy. It felt like hours had passed as I kneel keeping my eyes on the ground. I want to please him, I need to please him, so there I sat as the light from the window faded away. It wasn't long after the light disappeared that he walked in.

"You look so tasty sitting pretty for me." He said, his voice dripping with lust. He stands next to me, petting my head as my face turns red with his praises. 
"Today, you are being rewarded. Move to the bed." He commanded.

I follow his commands and lay on the bed in the middle. He comes and straps my legs into a cuff, trailing his fingers along my skin causing goosebumps to rise in a trail. I moan quietly.

"Let your sounds out Baby Girl, they belong to me." He said proudly. He trails his fingers along my breast to my wrists as he cuffs them above my head. I could not move an inch. I feel my wetness intensifies.

"Mmm, Baby girl, your glistening wet for me." He almost moans. "I'm going to have fun taking time with you, bringing you to the tip of pleasure. If you cum before I give you permission, there will be punishment for it later." He warned.

"Yes, Daddy." I confirmed that I understood. In the back of my mind I'm thinking I'm not sure how much longer I can last. I felt like I needed a release. 

I suck in a breath and moan out as he trades his finger for his young and lips. He kisses all of my trails of goosebumps nipping every so often; in all the right places. He takes my nipple into his mouth and suckles on it. Gently at first then roughly with bites and nibbles while his other hand massages my other breast. My back arches off the bed at the wonderful sensation and I moan for Daddy.

Soon he pulls away and blows his cool breath on the nipple he'd just assaulted. He turns his attention to the other side and assaults it. My need for him grows almost unbearable.

He fallowed the trail down my belly, to my thigh, he sits back to admire my wetness for him. " No cumming." He said before he pulls me to his mouth. His tung dances on my ball of nerves as I moan out.

He moans, "Baby girl, you taste fantastic."

I was so close to the edge as he moaned. He pulled away from my clit and said, "Cum for me Kalli."  As he thrusts his fingers deep into my body massaging just the right spot.

I did as he asked I released all the pent up feeling, squirting my pleasure all over his hand. Panting I watch him lick my juices off his fingers, as I get wet again.  When he finished, he undid his belt kicking his pants off. He pulled his boxers off allowing his huge cock to spring free. The warmth of anticipation flowed through my body. He took the bar I had my legs cuffed to and placed it on a low hanging hook off the bed holding my legs straight up with him between them.  He kisses me taking my lip into his mouth and biting down. I moaned, the need was driving my body crazy. I feel his throbbing cock against my thigh, I wiggle my butt a bit teasing him a little.

Without warning, without breaking the kiss he positiond himself at my entrance and slammed his cock deep into my body. "Daddy!" I moaned.

After a moment for me to adjust to his size, he pumped in and out of me. "Your so wet for me." Me moaned as we both build up to our ledges. I feel my body twitch and moan out my pleasure with each electrifying thrust.

"Daddy, can I cum please!" I half ask half beg as I feel the tip of my climax is near.

"Yes, Baby girl." Is all I head before I fall over the edge while waves of pleasure wash through me. My moans louder then ever before, I hear his mix with mine as my eyes close and my head falls back to the pillow. I see stars as my body slowly comes down. I feel him removing the restraints from my wrists and ankles. He snuggles in against me until I'm done shaking.

"Thank you Daddy." I wisper. As I feel my body relax into his.

"Your welcome Baby Girl. You deserved it, you've been a good girl." He said gently.

I feel his warmth disappear and I open just one eye, to see him enter the onauit bathroom. Soon I hear the water running, as he fills the bath he comes and picks me up bridal style carrying me to the tub. He sits in the hot water and places me between his legs. I relax against him and lay my head on his chest, feeling all energy as left my body. I don't know what time it was, how long it's been since we've eaten, how long our play lasted. He slowly washes my body with a rose and lavender scented body wash as I relaxed against him.

When he was done he dried us off using big fluffy towels and donned fluffy robes on each of us. He carried me out of that room and into my room were we both layed on the bed. A knock came to the door and the house keeper brought in a bed tray of food.  Kaden took the time to feed me while I rested, my body still lethargic. Shortly after that I fell into a deep sleep.

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