17. Hey Babygirl

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Kaden POV

"You guys go ahead and see her, I need to talk to Kali  and the doctor." Kaden said.  As the parents walked away Kaden looks at the doctor, " Would it be better to pretend that I was still with her for a bit?" He asked.

"Yes. To her, it's two years ago and she can't compute yet that this time has passed." The doctor said as Kalli and I share a look.

I see confusion, realization, a flash of hurt and concern come across her face before she nods.

"I can see what your thinking. As long as I'm the one you come home to, and I'm ultimately the one with you I can give the grace that it takes for you to pretend for a little while." She says sadly. I hate that this is causing her pain. "I'll wait in the car, please don't be too long."

I look at her thinking of all the ways this could absolutely blow up in my face. I can't string her through this for long, hopefully Roe remembers sooner rather than later. "Okay, My love. I'll be quick."

With that she turned away from me and left towards the elevator. A big part of me wanted to chase after her, but a small part of me wanted to stay and see Roe. So I turned the opposite direction and entered the familiar room.

"Hey, BabyGirl." I said entering. "Sorry I'm late, I was talking with the doctor." I said looking at her beautiful face that had color now. Her hair looked more alive. I can feel a happiness spread throughout my mind while looking at her. But was it happiness from her being okay or because the guilt of her being here is gone?

"I thought you weren't coming." She admitted in a small voice, her voice sounded like bells to my dull ears after two long years.

"I'd never leave you hanging." I say as I take her hand in mine and kiss her forehead like I'd done many times before. "I've missed you." I tell her honestly.

"I don't understand, the accident was only a couple of weeks ago." She said. Does she really not believe?

"No Baby, it was much longer than that but we won't dwell on it today because you need to rest. Our visit will be short today and I'll be back tomorrow." I said.

She yawns, "Okay, I am a bit tired."

"Then we'll all leave you to rest, your mom and I will be taking turns being here with you while you recover." Richard says, as he starts to push me out of the room.

We leave the room and stop to talk in the waiting room."what are you doing? Why are you pretending that you're still with her? Why would you do that to Kalli? She's a good girl, don't mess it up." Richard whispered to me before walking away.

What was I doing? Pretending like we were still together, allowing these feelings to slowly rebuild in my body. I missed Roe, but I love kalli. I'm hoping that by being here for Roe it is not going to hurt as much as I feel like it will. Kalli understands that Roslyn needs me, doesn't she?

While these questions run through my head I slowly make my way to my car where Kalli sits in the passenger seat, I smile as I see her. I feel all of my stress slide away, if only she knew how much she meant to me. I've got to show her, I decide as I get in the car.

" How'd it go?" She asked.

"She's confused but hopefully she'll have a better understanding soon and the doctor thinks with therapy she'll be able to walk again."

"That's great news. " She says genuinely happy for my ex lover.

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