13. Good Memories

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5 months later Kalli POV

I roll over in bed, eyes still closed as I feel for Kaden, my hand is met with a cool sheet. Internally I pout wishing that he was waking up with me. It's been a fast, exciting five months since Kaden and I made our relationship official. In this time we've made many memories that now line our walls. Photos all over our bedroom just pinned to the wall, it drives Mr.Order crazy. I love it!

After going into the bathroom and doing my morning routine I stopped to look through the memories. The first photo is from the photoshoot with Kaden looking at me in a blue dress. I smile at the memory.

A soft knock came at the door before Ally walked in. "Good morning Sunshine!" Ally says in her typical bubbly demeanor.

"Good morning Ally." I say, confused on why she was here. It's Saturday, no work other than a huge BBQ Kaden and I are putting on for the company and their families today.

" I'm here to help you get ready for the Barbeque," she said reading my confusion. " C'Mon no arguing. Mr.Knight would like you to look nice, especially because there will be a tabloid presence."

Kalli rolled her eyes. If she would have known that today would be such a grand gesture she wouldn't have suggested it. It has been rough planning this event for the families. It's not just a babrique, it's more like a fair.  It had taken so much time to throw together that Kaden and I hardly any time with each other.

I miss him.

There have been a lot of adjustments since I've moved in with Kaden. Opening myself to him, allowing him to be possessive and fallowing his every command. My panties turn wet just from the memories that run through my mind. I blush slightly as I sit in the chair Ally is standing behind in front of the vanity.

"Go to your happy place, it will all be over before you know it." Ally said as she got to work on my hair and make up. I close my eyes remembering all the memories we've made.

"Little girl, get off that table now." Kaden said firmly.

I am standing on a changing table in one of my favorite rooms in the house. I'm wearing a light pink onesie with a diaper underneath, running from Daddy because I've messed myself. I stick my tung out at him with a giggle, " No!" Comes my defiant answer. My Boise sounds more like that of a child than the adult me.  I reach up above me to the next shelf climbing higher trying to get to my pretty purple binky that Daddy hid from me because I wouldn't lay still to get my butt changed. I climb two more shelves, not hearing Daddy's warning,

"Baby girl, your going to fall!" Daddy says worried.

Right as I feel the leash to my binky I feel the shelf give away, a scream and cry as I fall. Daddy caught me, looking at me with a disappointed and stern look on his face. " I Sowy." I said tears were still streaming down my face. He wiped the tears away.

"You cannot scare Daddy like that," he said laying me on the table I was just standing on. " Now I cannot trust you on this table you'll be strapped down." He said as he pulled straps over my arms and buckled them. With my legs he put them in a hanging contraption that made it easier for him to clean up my messed butt.

After cleaning me up we snuggle in the crib until I fall asleep.

"That should do it." Ally said, pulling me from my memory. I look in the mirror at myself, my hair is in a messy bun with braids around it, seemed fancy. My make up is light and natural, just how I like it. 

I stand and stretch my arms above my head as Ally enters the closet to choose my dress. She comes out with a knee length sundress that is emerald green in color. It fit beautifully on me, and hugged me in all the right places. She then put some matching flat sandals in front of me, as a beep from the intercom  rang through the room. That was my warning, it's time to go.

I quickly slip the shoes on my feet, grabbing my clutch and run down the stairs. When I get to the bottom is when I disappointingly realized that it wasn't Kaden taking me.

"Sorry Doll, he's already left early to help set up. He'll be waiting for you." My heart sank, he forgot.

He forgot today's my birthday.

Kaden POV

Today's the day! I am pacing the room nervously, I believe I managed to keep everything a secret and I'm the worst at secrets. For the last two weeks while Kalli threw herself into planning the event, that she had no idea was for her birthday, I went on an adventure to find the perfect ring for her. Five months ago I made the decision to make her mine, and every moment was a grand adventure. She had this special ability to turn anything that's full into a sunshine adventure. I realized very quickly that I wanted that adventure to last a lifetime.

I've been so afraid of ruining the surprises that each morning I've woken before her and left for work. I wanted to wake up with her today but my nerves got to me so I had to leave early. I can feel the weight of the ring in my coat pocket, small doubts floating through my head. My phone pinged, it's Ally.

"She's on her way"

"Okay everyone they're about 10 minutes out." I hollar out to the people that have come to love Kalli.

Everybody shuffled around to see the front door, to get a good view of her face as she came in.  It didn't take long and I can hear the car driving up. The doors close and i watch the door handle turn. Everything moved in slow motion as she stepped into the event space, she looked up and froze. Before tears started to fallow right as 200 people yell.


I frown slightly and walk up to her," Are you okay?"

She huggs me, " I... I thought that.. ma.. maybe you... Forgot." She stumbled out. I pull a tissue from my sleeve and hand it to her.

"Forget about you? The most important day to me so far, celebration of your birth?" I look at her as she nods, I grin. "Never."

She smiles as she greets the multitude of people. I watch as she moves through the crowd, she is so graceful  I think to myself. Slowly everyone makes their way to the back yard to eat. Hours passed while I was memorized by watching her enjoy her birthday.  I feel my nerves ignite all across my body, as I recognize my cue from the dj as he played our favorite song.

I clink my class with my butter knife and stand, " I have something if like to say." I started as I set the glass down and dragged Kalli onto the dance floor so everyone can see. "Kalli, every moment with you is electrifying. You turned everything that was dull, a chore into an adventure. You've brought so much understanding, kindness and patience I to my life. You e helped me heal from my past heartbreak and have shown me how to make life worth living every day," I kneel down on one knee, just hoping I don't fall over while whatching her reaction. I open the box on the simple but elegant engagement ring, it's got vines that wrap around a 1ct diamond with blue sapphires surrounding it looking like a flower. "Kallisto, will you make me the happiest man alive, by  marring me and continuing our adventures?"

Altho near seconds passed it felt like minutes. I watched love, caringing, surprise and happiness flash across her face before she said, " Oh My God! Y-Yes! Yes! Forever Kaden!" I stood and placed the ring on her finger pulling her in for a kiss. I put every bit of love and longing into that kiss. We pulled apart as the crowds of people clapped.

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