Chapter 2: Yes...I think

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About two hours before the work day ended a delivery man showed up asking for me. He had a garment bag and a small box, and a dozen roses. I am sitting at my desk looking at the roses and reading the card.

I'm looking forward to our Date -K 

I smile to myself, who would have know Mr.Knight is a romantic. In the window of the garment bag is a little note too, it read: He wants you ready 15 mins before end of day. Wear this dress and accessories. I raise an eyebrow, unzipping the top half of the bag to reveal the dress. It's the correct size, and is absolutely beautiful.

The items that were dilivered kept my attention for the next hour and half, before I excused myself to the employee lockers to get dressed. I pull the dress out of the bag and slip it over my head. It fit perfectly against my body, I turn to the mirror to look at my reflection. It's a red dress with a black overlay and sweat heart neckline. The red fabric under the dress stops just above my knees while the black overlay that is decorated with red beading and sequins flowed to the floor. I turn to the box that came with it and open it to reveal a pair of black strapped heals. I slip them on, and marvel on how comfortable they are. In the box under the heals was a blue velvet box, I open the box and my mouth drops open.  It's a black lace choker with rubies on it to creat a floral pattern that matches the dress. Next to the blue box was a red and black clutch that matched perfectly.

I slowly drape the ruby choker around my neck, loving the way it feels. Maybe I can be his girlfriend. But this is alot... almost too much. I think to myself as I check my new attire out in the mirror. I quickly fix my make up adding some red lipstick. What now? Do I just go back to my desk?

I gather the box and garment bag putting them in my locker, transfer my wallets contents to the clutch and head to my desk. 

As I walk up to my desk my heart sinks as I see April looking at the card to my roses. She raises her eyebrows at me, "where have you been the last five minutes? Actually don't answer that, I'm not blind. Is there a reason you think it's appropriate to misuse your time at work? Parity bold for a measly intern." She says with venom.

"I was fallowing directions, just not yours. Give me my card back, April." I said with as much attitude.

"Who is K?" She asked, refusing to give the card back.  " What makes him think he has the right to tell you to leave your post before the work day ended? Really I must speak with him about it."

I cock an eyebrow at her about to respond when I hear from behind me, "I am K. And don't you have anything better to do than belittle one of your hardest workers?" Kaden says, his voice dripping with authority, snatching the card out of her hand. "You must learn to keep your hands off what doesn't belong to you. We don't tolerate bullying or theft in this company."  April's eyes widened all she could do is nod before retreating to her desk.

I turn to see Kaden, he's adorned a black suit with a red tie. With a smile I think he wanted us to match. And he's my knight in shining armor.  "Are you ready?" He asked

I smile as he offers me his arm,  "Yes." I say as I take it and we leave the building. He leads me to a black limo sitting in wait for us, and helps me slide in. Sliding in behind me he shuts the door.

"You look stunning in that dress." He complements me.  I feel a blush creep onto my cheeks.

"Thank you, you look amazing yourself." I stumble in my sentence.

" Why do I get the feeling that you are not used to positive complements?" He asks with a lustful look in his eyes.

"Because I don't get them, ever." I said avoiding eye contact.

"That will change." He states, " You are a beautiful woman and deserve all the compliments." My blush deepens as he adds," And that blush. Mmm it's the cherry on the cake."

We arrive to a high end hotel and the driver opens the door for Kaden to step out. As soon as he did all eyes were on him. I take a deep breath and slide out standing next to him. He offers me his arm and we glide to the restaurant.

"Hello Mr.Knight your table is ready for you, right this way." The hostess says seductively, eyeing Kaden up and down. I frown a little, this is what I'd have to deal with... If I said yes. But I wouldn't have the right to be jealous or territorial because he wouldn't be mine, he'd just act like I was his. If he'd asked I'd give him all of me, even if it meant it was fake. So my answer is yes...I think.
As we are seated to our table a waiter brings us some red wine, I raise an eyebrow at him in question. "They know what I like, if I don't like it they have a list of next options. They know and understand that I don't like to be bothered. This is usually where I hold my business meetings. I've never brought a date here." He says.

"Oh, that's understandable." I said.

"I don't know why I felt the need to add that last part." He said, " I want to be completely honest and upfront with you. If this is going to work, were going to have to be 100% honest with each other." He finished as I sip on the red wine.

Soon the waiter brings out our meals and we eat while we discuss. "How do you want this to go?" I ask between bites.

"Well I was serious, you can move in with me and stay in one of my many guest rooms. I will pay you 1.3 million dollars to act like my girlfriend in any way that you choose. We can sign a contract that protects both of us." He started, pausing to take a bite. "I will act as your boyfriend in any way that I choose."

"What would you include in any way you choose?" I ask him putting air quotations around any way you choose.

" We won't step out on each other, we'll be together without the feelings of a real relationship. But no seeing other men nor other women for me." He sits back in his seat and takes me in, "We don't have to have sex, unless it's something we both want." He says.

The waiter takes our empty plates and replaces it with desert. It is a dark chocolate cake, I moan as I put the first bite into my mouth.

"Are you interested in the sexual aspect?" He asked.

I cock my head to the side, taking a moment to remind myself of the fantasies I've used in the past of him. " Yes, but that's a talk for later." I say suppressing another moan after taking a bite of the sinful cake. "Okay, I'll do it. Have your lawyer draw up the contract. I'll sign it tomorrow at the office." I say in confirmation.

He grins, " I am pleased to hear that. And tomorrow when you report to work come directly to my office."

"Yes Mr.Knight." I respond

He frowns slightly, "Kali, call me Kaden. We're dating." He says with a mischievous grin.

"Alright. Kaden. I'll report to your office first thing in the morning."  

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