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Kali POV

Kaiden stands and puts the ring on my finger. He pulls me into him holding my cheek guiding me in for a kiss. His lips envelope mine,  hungry to show his happiness about my answer. My hands fly to his raven black hair in shock while we have a full on make out session right in front of everyone that came to my birthday party. Everyone fades away, out of mind, out of sight.  His hands start to explore my body as he deepens the kiss, and I feel the wetness of my core spill into my panties in response. Our tongues fight for dominance as he explores every inch of my mouth with his.

“Ahemm,” someone cleared their throat. “Maybe you should save the rest of that conversation for home.”

I blushed as the realization hit that we did that in front of everyone, “Hehe, Sorry.”

The remainder of the party went by in a blur. People handed me drinks as I finished the one before. Stealing moments here and there Kaden and I continued our makeout session, promising a night of pure bliss when we arrived home. Anticipation would sober me for it to start again as another drink was handed to me.

“Thank you.” I slur to whoever handed me the drink.

“Are you having fun?” Kaden asked me.

“I am,” I started, “However it's time for this to be my last drink. I want to sober up before we go home.”

“That's a good idea because I have many ways to pleasure you when we get home and I want  you capable of screaming my name.” he whispers huskily into my ear.

I feel excitement ripple through my body at the thought of what he would do to me. As I followed him back into the party from our little hideout, I set the drink that was handed to me down. 

“Everybody, it's time for dessert. As my love has never had a birthday before we are having cake,” Kaden starts his toast for the finale of the evening. “ After cake Kali and I will be taking our leave so our own little celebration on our wonderful news can start.” This earns some snickers and giggles from our guests. I look around and notice not everyone is happy about the news, but all you could see were anger, jealousy and envy in their faces. “ Come join me in singing Happy Birthday to the best partner and woman I know!”

In unison everyone started a little birthday chant:

Happy Birthday!

Happy Happy Birthday to Kali!

Happpyyyyy Birthdayyyy!

As they finished I blew out the candle that was lit atop the cake with a giggle. This was a sort of dream of mine as I had never had a birthday party before. I sat with my piece of cake watching some of the house employees help Kaden load the gifts from his world. The gifts mean nothing to the giddiness I felt about publicly belonging to the most eligible bachelor in LA.

I sat thinking to myself as the cake soaked up the alcohol in my system. We went from a paid relationship to a real relationship and then to engaged in a little over a year. I smile to myself as I think of our wedding, it would be so easy that it would just plan itself. I think of the colors Burgundy red and navy blue with touches of green and silver.

“Are you ready? The gifts are loaded.” Kaden asked as he walked into the room.

“Yes, let's go.” I said.

We slide into the black limousine that Kaden often uses for larger events. Kaden pulls me into his lap, incapable of waiting until we get home to start his descent on my body. He pulls my face to his while the door closes. His lips encase mine with hunger. He flicks his tongue across my lips requesting permission to explore every corner of my mouth. I don't open my lips fast enough for him, and in response he nips at my lip. This earns a moan from me, he knows I like it a little rough. His hands explore my body and his tongue memorizes the inside of my mouth. I feel his hand slip up my skirt as he searches for my wettened core. His fingers brush against the throbbing lips of my core as I let out a moan.

“Kali, you're so wet for me.” he moans out huskily. If we dont land home soon, he's going to take me right here in the car. The thought turns me on more as I feel his fingers slip into my core. I moan out at how good it feels. I squirm against his fingers as they move in a circular motion. I feel a familiar pleasure building.

“Daddy, please.” I beg for permission as I feel like I can't take anymore pleasure. I was going to fall, and fall hard.

“Cum on me Baby girl.” He demands into my ear, nibbling it.

With a loud moan I allowed myself to fall over the edge, I felt the pleasure ripple throughout my body as I fell. I feel my orgasim gush all over his hand that was still in my panties, he doesn't miss a beat and continues his movements.

“I can't wait to take you as mine in every way.” he groans, and to my displeasure removes his hand suddenly. I look out the window with a realization we were home, now the real fun starts.

In one fluid motion he picks me up as he gets out of the car. He carries me to our playroom where he sets me on the bed as he climbs onto my body. I can feel the hardness of his erection, and anticipation spreads through my body lighting my need all over again.

With a grin he pulls away while enclasping my wrists into the restraints attached to the bed. Filled with need I start to squirm on the bed.

“Be still.” He demands as he spreads my legs apart, attaching each ankle to a spread bar with the cuffs attached.  He rips my panties off my body and this earns a mix between a moan and a gasp from me. I feel something cold against my thigh, I try to peek at what he's doing. He continues to cut me out of my dress, too impatient to give me the freedom to take it off. I lay there completely naked under his intense and hungry gaze.

He takes a blue silk scarf and ties it around my face, leaving me completely in the dark. Each step he takes to prepare me  for the scene that is about to unfold I feel the pleasure in my body build a bit more. I feel an object being run over my body, it's cold and my body is warming it up. I know what toys and devices we have so anticipation excites its way through my body. He puts a cold liquid on my anus and core before he starts to run his fingers from one hole to the other.

“Please, Daddy. I need more,” I beg him.

Saying nothing he slowly inserts a finger into my anus, and pleasure erupts through my body from the controlled pain. Slowly he adds another finger, stretching me out. Soon his fingers are replaced by a cold metal plug dancing around the hole that is usually an exit. I feel him gently and slowly press the plug into my anus as I moan out. I love this feeling, it makes me feel full.

He then inserts a vibrating toy into my core, and I feel the vibrations in both my anus and the core. I screamed out in pleasure from the sinsation, but it wasn't enough to get the itch in my core. I needed him.

“Please, Daddy, Please.” I moan out.

“Please what, Baby Girl.” He asks, I could hear the loss of resolve in his voice.

“I need you inside me.” I say, begging him, then add. “Please Daddy!”

I felt the vibrating toy  being removed and for a moment, nothing touched my skin. No, no, no this was a torture all in its own. I wanted, no, I needed him to touch me. The lack of touch, and anticipation of what was to come made goosebumps flush my skin. I was about to pout when he placed himself in between my legs, his hard quivering member at my entrance.

Yes, yes, yes, please! I think to myself. Right at that moment he thrusts completely into my core.

“Kaden!” I moan out in complete pleasure and bliss.

I hear him grunt as he pulls out almost to his tip and thrusts again, and again. With each passing thrust my pleasure builds and I let him know by moaning out.

“Kali!” he moans out as he thrusts again, sending me right over the edge into another freefalling, star seeing orgasm. I feel him empty his seed into my as he archives his own finish. He pulls out, and lays on the bed next to me, releasing my hands from their restraints and the same with my feet. I curl into him as he pulls me to his chest cuddling him.

It was in the playroom, and in this position that we both fell asleep.

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