12. Dinner

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I entered the restaurant in one of the new alfets that Ally helped me pick out. It's a snug navy blue dress that has pleats across the bust, it goes to my mid thigh. We bought this one for casual dinners or work, but tonight I matched it with some strappy heels and put my hair in a quick updo.

"How can I help you?" The hostas greeted me.

"Hello, ah yes, I am to have dinner with Mr. Knight."

"And who should I inform him is waiting for him?" She asked me ,doubtfully,looking down on me.

"His girlfriend," I said with a smile as I watched her walk away to ask if I'm actually a part of the dining party. It was not long before I saw her retreat from the table back to me with a shocked expression, Kaden on her heels.

"I'm glad you made it." He says leaning in for a kiss.

"Yes, I almost didn't survive the shopping with Ally." I say joking after kissing him. "I'm sorry I'm late."

"You look beautiful, we're sitting this way." He said leading me to the table. 

From the corner of my eye I see the hostess glare at me from the little podium. 'Some people's daughters. Jealousy does not look good on her. ' I can't help to think as we walk away.

"Richard, this is Kallisto, my girlfriend." Kaden introduced me, " She likes to be called Kali."

Richard stands and greeted me by kissing my cheeks, " It's wonderful to meet you dear."

I sit in the seat next to Kaden, I can see why he is drawn to Richard. His strong appearance coupled with his kindness makes me feel like he's the father I wish I'd had. Not to say that I don't appreciate what my foster dad, Ray, did for me. I just wish at times I had a strong loving family. I'd determined right there that I was going to build a new family, of my choosing and I wanted Richard to be apart of it.

"Kali, tell me about yourself. What's your favorite hobbies?" Richard asked, at that same moment our food was dilivered.

"I scetch. I don't feel like I'm very good at it, so I focused on my studies growing up. I excell in math, and logical thinking." I responded. 

"I'd love to see one of your drawings." Richard said as he dug into his food.

"Me too! I didn't know that you were an artist." Kaden added.

"Maybe someday I'll show you." I say brushing them off a bit. I don't like showing my art off, it shows my deepest emotions.

We eat and chat over a 4 course meal. The time went by quickly, and was pleasant. Richard was a retired banker, who still does financial advisement.  He likes to play golf and enjoys being outdoors. He's been telling us stories about his adventures while camping. He's funny, and level headed. Hours passed before Richard looked his watch and expressed, "Well Kaden, it's late and I ve got to be off. I really enjoyed dinner tonight, the company brightened my day. I really hope we can do this again soon." With a smile he looks at me, "It was a pleasure to meet you Kali, I hope that you feel the same." He said standing.

I kiss his cheeks as I say," It was a wonderful evening, Richard. I agree, we need to get together again soon."

Kaden gave Richard a hug, "Don't be a stranger."

After Richard walked out Kaden looked at me, "I didn't know you draw!" I chuckled.

"Not tonight I don't. Ally is a shopping machine!" I sit back down. " You were right, she and I are going to be great friends. I had her choose a couple professional clothes, as my assistant I'm not comfortable with her being beside me in a maids get up." I explained to him.

He grinned, " I'm just glad your not fighting me on having an assistant. It sounds like your shopping trip was fruitful."

" Yes, by the way, I absolutely hate shopping. Ally has an Energizer battery attached to her brain for shopping. I'm exhausted, over eight hours of 'shopping march' and no food! She's a machine." I said with air quotes around shipping march.

Kaden laughs, "A women who hates shopping? Who would have thought."

He takes my arm in his and guids me out of the restaurant to the car that's waiting for us. "How about that movie that's owed?" He asked hopeful.

I shake my head, " How about snuggling, and bed." I counter the offer. "My whole brain, body, and eyes are jelly. I just want to sleep."

"Cuddles and bed it is." He agreed, as we slide into the car.

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