16. insecurities

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Kaden POV

We arrive at the hospital in our separate cars, Kali sits in the car with me. I recognize her worry that is etched into her face. I want to reassure her, but I have no way of knowing what the future will bring now. How do I tell my best friend that I gave up our love to move on after just 11 months?

But this was almost two years ago that Roe and I were together, so much in my life has happened since then, and my feelings are conflicted. I feel like I am responsible for her, she was my finance. I look at Kalli, my current love of my life, she didn't deserve to feel the uncertainty she feels now.

“Thank you for being here with me.” I start to say, “If it's too much I would understand you waiting in the car.”

“No.” Kali replied, “We are a couple, I love you, and this is not a bad thing. It leaves many questions and concerns that we will deal with at another time. As for today, I will stand by you and celebrate with you that your best friend has awoken from the coma that has kept her from you. After that is when we will decide about what I know we are both thinking.”

Gods i love this woman. She's patient, kind, and understanding. Even though she has her own whirlwind of emotions about this situation she's keeping a level head and is giving me the time I need to figure out how I am going to handle this. That makes me feel like I love her all that much more.

Hand in hand we walk into the hospital and take the elevator to the floor Roe has been housed on for the last two and half years. Richard and Linda were already in the waiting room waiting to speak with the doctor. We walk in and I smile at the receptionist that I saw weekly for two years. This was a big development and I've decided that no matter what happens I am grateful for standing by her while she recovered. She’ll just have to understand that we are not together anymore. . . she will understand that, right?

“You really had to bring her?” Linda asked as we entered the waiting room.
“For the last time Linda, Kalli is going to be my wife, she is here to support me. You're acting like an entitled, spoiled brat that's lost their favorite toy. Lay off my fiancee or I will cut you off completely.” I say sternly under my breath. She stands there opening and closing her mouth over and over. Without my money they would have had to give up on Roe a long time ago, I've personally been paying the medical bills for the last two years. If they continued to do it, it would have bankrupted them. The small settlement from the accident was not enough for one month let alone all the care it required to keep her alive so that she had this chance to survive. 

Shortly after this interaction the doctor walked in. Thank the Gods because I was not sure I could be in this room with her for much longer. Her attack on Kalli is uncalled for.

“Hello, Roslyn's family, correct?” The doctor confirms.

“Yes.” Richard confirms before his jealous wife could open her mouth.

“Roslyn's awake, she's got little memories of the time before the accident. At the moment she is not able to feel her legs, but that could be because of the length of time that she was in the coma. She tires easily, and is easily overwhelmed. This is what she remembers, that Kaden is her fiance and that her parents are Richard and Linda.” He looks at me and Kali, “I understand that you moved on, and she will need to know that maybe not today. When you break it to her, break it gently.”

“Of course. Does she know how long it's been?” I ask.

“No, she is confused or unwilling to accept that it has been any longer than a couple of days since the accident. Don't hide your relationship but don't flaunt it. Leave the discussion for another day, introduce your future wife as a close friend and see how she handles that. Then together we can come up with a plan to explain to her in a way that she'll understand why you had to move on with your life.” The Doctor responded.

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