Chapter 4: A BAND!!

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Jinx and I were out of the studio while George stayed to work on some details with the song, overall we were pretty happy with the results, it's truth that what we are trying to do is risky as hell and especially when we are writing lyrics that are going to attract a certain public, but I want to tell them...Tell them that they are not alone in this world and in what they are feeling there is more people like that and if possible I want to help them, Jinx and I never had an easy life after all, we both know what pain is and if there is something that is comforting is knowing that you are not the only one suffering and there is people that understand you.

Jinx: Fuck I'm freezing over here...

I let out a little chuckle as I see Jinx wrap her arms around her in an attempt to keep herself warm, it was night already we didn't realize how much time we spend being there and of course we wouldn't have to be so late if it weren't for Jinx.

Me: You are the one to blame. Did you really have to start playing with the drums for nearly two hours?

Jinx: "YoU aRe thE oNe tO BlaMe Meh mEh I'm Y/N anD I'm RealLy StuPid" *She sticks out her tongue at me* You are such a baby, man! And to answer your question yes, yes I did.

Me: Oh shut up and walk.

We started walking through the streets as we see the city in the nightlife, it was Friday night so a lot of people was getting drunk already and people dressed ready to go for a dance in a club.

Jinx: You know I've been thinking...

Me: Always something dangerous for you to do, don't think too much or your tiny brain won't handle it.

Jinx: *Chuckles* Shut up man. Anyway I've been thinking of getting a tattoo.

Me: Oh really? What are you going to get tattooed?

Jinx: Maybe some blue clouds on my torso or over my arm.

Me: Do they have any meaning?

Jinx: Well...My sister used to tell me that sometimes at night you could see blue clouds in the sky *Chuckles* I think that she was a little bit drunk when she told me that she used to steal the beer from dad all the time, but she told me that even when we were far away from each other I should get under a blue cloud and she would find me no matter what. Maybe is crazy to think that way, but...If I'm the blue cloud she would find me even faster.

Me: Huh...That's a nice idea for a tattoo and don't worry you will find your sister blue and I will help you find her.

Jinx: *Smiles* Thanks Y/N...Do you think she is okay?

Me: From what you told me about her, your sister must be a badass in fact while we are talking she may be beating someone for information about you because I'm pretty sure that she is looking for her little sister Pow-Jinx.

I quickly correct myself, over the years I learned the real name of Jinx of course or at least what her name used to be, she told me to don't call her like that and that Powder was a weak part of her I of course respected her wishes, but I don't think is correct to assume that you should forget your weaknesses in fact the moment you admit the weak par of you is when you become even stronger.

Jinx: Yeah, She is indeed badass...And just so you know *Mumbles something*

Me: I'm sorry I didn't caught that last part.

Jinx: *Sigh* I said...You can call me Powder. But only you okay?! And just when we are alone...

And now I can't wipe the smile off my face, the fact that she let me called her Powder means that she must trust a lot in me and I'll be sure to not betray that trust.

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