Chapter 2: A Prologue...Again

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Currently is night and Jinx and Y/N are sleeping in their room, Jinx in the bed and Y/N on the futon of course and Y/N wakes up in the middle of the night because his throat is dry and his body is demanding water and he actually spend the day recording some background voices in the studio so without hesitation Y/N gets up from the futon and smiles when she sees Jinx curled up in her bed in a fetal position sucking her thumb with a smile on her face.

As he was walking to the door of the room he hears some sobbing in the room which makes him turn around to look at Jinx shaking in fear in her sleep and tears were coming out of her eyes.

She's having a nightmare again...

Jinx: No...Vi please come back.

Worried for his best friend Y/n sits in the corner of the bed and gently start shaking Jinx shoulder to wake her up from the nightmare she's having.

Y/N: Jinx... Jinx wake up.

But it wasn't working and Jinx just keeps shaking and fears and the sobbing turns on to full crying whatever making Y/N even more worried about her and shaking her more to wake her from her sleep.

Jinx: I'm sorry...I'm a disappointment.

Y/N You are not a disappointment Jinx, wake up please!

It seems like every second that was passing just makes Y/N even more worried as Jinx starts almost screaming Vi's name and what come from her mouth next was enough to break Y/N heart.

Jinx: M-Maybe I should just stop existing.

Having enough of watching Jinx suffer in her sleep Y/N stops shaking her gently and starts doing it roughly in hopes to wake her up this time.

Y/N: Don't say that! I still need you, now WAKE UP!

From the last worried screaming from Y/N Jinx wakes up with her eyes wide open and her eyes were red from all the crying from before and the first thing she sees is Y/N with a worried look in his face as memories from her nightmare of VI leaving again still torment her even when she is awake and almost with no hesitation Jinx wraps her arms around her best friend body putting her chin on his shoulder as she embraced him tightly and Y/N immediately starts patting her head and feels his shoulder getting wet from her tears, Y/N starts rocking her back and forth in an attempt to comfort her.

Y/N: Shhh... Is okay it was just a nightmare.

Jinx: *Crying* I-I miss her Y/N...

Y/N: I know you do blue... I know you do...

Jinx: Do you think she misses me too?

Y/N: Of course she does, any person that has ever met you has a permanent impression of you there is no doubt that no one would ever miss the amazing person that you are.

With his hand running through her hair Jinx was feeling more at ease with each second that passed in their embrace and no matter what was happening Y/N DIDN'T LET GO OF THE HUG.

Jinx: Promise...

Jinx said in a soft voice that If she wasn't near Y/N ear he would not hear for sure, but luckily he heard what Jinx said and looked at her with a confused expression on his face.

Y/N: Promise what?

Jinx pulled out from the hug, but only to grab both of Y/N cheeks with her hands and pulling him near her connecting both of their foreheads while Jinx was looking down and Y/N looking at her worry in his eyes.

Jinx: Promise me you won't leave me...

And now it was Y/N turn to act as memories of him and Jinx together were coming on his head, both of them running from adults as they were stealing form a random shop with smiles on both of their faces, memories of him and Jinx hugging to keep themselves warm from the cold rain while they were on the streets, it seemed like every memory that he had with Jinx was something he enjoyed and there was no way in hell he was going to leave her at any time and with that same realization it was Y/N turn to act as he gently grabbed both of her cheeks too and slowly pulled her down to give her a kiss in her forehead.

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