Ch8: The Device Pt 2

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All four of them stood there, unable to decide on who should approach the moody larva first.

The Frosty friend, the fast friend, the annoying nerdy friend or the head scientist...?

Just as they were arguing, Harrison then came out of the group huddle and walked over to the restrained moth larva.

He was wanting to help her, not just because he knew that there was something much more going on here but, also because he loved her very much and he wanted her to be happy again.

Mothra was trying to fight against King Ghidorah's alpha call that was tempting to summon her to him.

She tried to control the urge to attack Team Flash but, it wasn't working.

"H... Hey, Mothra. I'm Harrison Wells and I'd like to personally welcome you to S.T.A.R Labs. I've admired you since 1964 and may I say that you are a very caring and kind creature and it would be an honor if you was on our team. I would take care of you and I would love you, Mothra because you truly mean a lot to me and I love you for you. Plus, I hope that I get to see you in your human form. Please, Mothra... You need to fight this! Don't let this three-headed tight jerk wad get to you!!!" Harrison said, hoping that Mothra would calm down.

Mothra calmed down and looked at him.

Cisco, Barry and Caitlin smiled, while also hoping that the moth larva would stay calm.

Mothra was calm enough to try and apologize to the team now.

She looked at him and tried to speak but, only a chirp was heard.

Cisco, Barry and Caitlin looked at each other while Harrison frowned.

"Is that how Mothra talks...? Through high frequencied chirps...?" Barry asked, in wonder as Mothra tried to make verbal contact with them.

Harrison looked at him and smiled.

"That's right, Barry. Through each chirp, Mothra's trying to say something but, there is a problem..." He said, in an explanation before beginning to feel really concerned about the moth larva.

"What's the problem?" Caitlin asked, intrigued but yet concerned as well.

All of them were really liking Mothra and they didn't want nothing bad to happen to her, especially Harrison who loved her and wanted her to be his.

"The problem is... Is that we can't communicate to Mothra through simple human communication. She probably doesn't understand what we're saying unless of course if she's half human..." Harrison began to say, in an explanation as he now began to look back at Mothra, who was curled up in her restraints and looking down at the ground, clearly not paying attention to Team Flash as they were all talking about how to communicate to her.

He saw that she was feeling really sad and whatever the reason, it wasn't good.

The scientist needed to help her and fast before Mothra started getting angry again.

Barry, Caitlin and Cisco then began to think...

What could help them communicate with the legendary titan...?

"What we need is a device that has as a resonate sound wave that can help us understand and translate what Mothra is saying to us..." Cisco said, thinking of what they could make or use to communicate with Mothra.

When Cisco said that, Harrison then had an idea.

"Cisco, any footage of Mothra on Earth Prime...?" He asked, needing to know.

Cisco searched and found it in the Monarch titan organization database.

"Yes. I just found some footage of her. She also hatched, just like our Mothra..." He said, showing them.

As they were watching the footage, they saw the same thing that happened to Mothra 2 now happening to Mothra Prime.

"So... What they're doing now is that they're using a device to deliver a pulse to the titan's brain, telling he or she to calm down...?" Caitlin asked, while she and the rest of them were observing the phenomenon and watching as the mother and daughter Russell twins were setting up the device before sending the pulse.

Harrison nodded his head yes, in confirmation.

"She and yes..." He said, looking at them while also looking at Mothra, who was now making sad chirping noises.

"But, who has a way advanced machine like that nowadays...?" Cisco asked, curiously as Harrison was now walking over to the sad moth larva.

Harrison began to think and as he was thinking, he placed his hand in between Mothra's eyes.

Mothra calmed down and looked at him.

"Mothra, do you know of anyone who has a device like that from Earth Prime...?" Harrison asked, hoping that his new girlfriend would help him.

Mothra nodded her head yes.

She did know of someone who had a device, just like on Earth Prime.

Harrison smiled.

"Could you tell me...?" He asked, wanting to know.

Mothra then began to feel something bright and warm in her neck.

It was her voice.

"H... Her- Her name is Dr... Dr. Ling. Sh... She lives right n-next door to you..." Mothra said as she was now beginning to talk.

Harrison then chuckled, excitedly.

"You can... You can talk!!! My Mosura can talk!!!" He said, excited that his moth larva titan girlfriend can talk.

Mothra giggled and just as she was about to say something, she then chirped.

Mothra now chirped sadly.

"It's okay, Mothra. We'll get your voice back..." Harrison said, in reassurance as he turned back to face Barry, Caitlin and Cisco.

Now that Mothra had given him the name of the person that could help them with her, it was time to take some extra precautions.

"Barry, Caitlin and Cisco, I need you three to watch Mothra while I'm gone to find Dr. Ling..." Harrison said, in an explanation.

Barry, Caitlin and Cisco nodded their heads yes, in understanding.

Mothra then got really upset.

"I... I want to go. Pl... Please..." She said, before she started to curl up and cry.

Harrison then looked at Mothra and saw how upset she was.

He really did want her to come with her.

Did she not understand that he's just trying to protect her...?

Mothra hoped that he would let her come with him.

She loved him and she wanted to be with him.

Harrison really didn't know what to say to her but, he really didn't want to upset her.

"I... I'm sorry, Mothra but, I promise you that when I come back, we'll spend time together just you and me, my Mosura." He said, hoping that she would understand that he was just trying to protect her.

Mothra watched in silence as he began to let go of one of her small insect legs and walked towards the door that was on the right side.

Tears silently dripped down from her blue insect eyes as she watched the tiny sized scientist human open the door and walked into the hallway.

When the door closed behind Harrison, Mothra sighed.

How was she going to go after him now...?

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