Ch10: Meeting Dr. Ling Pt 2

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A few minutes later, Harrison Wells arrived at Dr. Ling's house, which was right beside his on the left side.

He parked his SUV behind Dr. Ling's, which was gray colored while his was a darker gray.

Just after he parked and unbuckled his seatbelt, he was about to open the door and get out when his phone started buzzing.

At first, the scientist thought that it was nothing but, when it consistently buzzed more than once, he immediately got it out, thinking that it was that annoying Ramon kid who's always constantly bugging him every five minutes.

When Harrison looked at the screen, he saw that the text was from Barry.

He swiped up, unlocked his phone and saw the text in full.

Hey, Dr. Wells...

Listen... Don't be mad at us but, while you have been gone, we've learned some new things about your girlfriend.

Here's a video of our findings.

- Barry Allen

After Harrison saw the text, he looked once more and saw that there was a video attached.

He then began to immediately play the video.

As the scientist was watching the video, he smiled when he saw Mothra running and when he also saw at the end of the video where Mothra turned into a human, he smiled more.

My Mosura turned into a human. This is amazing. Also, she's beginning to turn out to be a speedster just like Barry! I need to talk to this Dr. Ling person and fast so that I can get back to her!!! I bet that she's already feeling so sad because I left without her but, I had to do it to protect her!!! I hope that she'll still be there when I get back... Harrison said to himself as he got out of the car and began to start walking towards the three steps that led onto Dr. Ling's front porch.

Meanwhile, back at S.T.A.R Labs...

Barry, Caitlin and Cisco were all arguing.

"This is all your fault, Cisco!!!" Barry said, arguing with him.

"Well... It was your fault for going over there!!!" Cisco said, counter arguing.

"Yeah... Says the one whose fault it was for daring me to talk to her!!!" Barry said, continuing to argue.

Caitlin looked over and saw Mothra sitting on the floor.

"Guys..." She said, trying to get their attention as Mothra was sitting there, quietly observing the argument.

"Well... I don't want to get fired..." Cisco said, while trying to calm down.

"Says the one who keeps constantly bugging Dr. Wells for some wild reason. No wonder why you're not left in charge of anything of his!!!" Barry said, continuing to egg it on with Cisco.

Mothra then got really angry.

She didn't like it when people argued.

With a twist of her hand, several pairs of turquoise blue lightning strikes got together, gathering into one huge string of them.

With a swat of her hand, she sent the string of lightning strikes right towards Cisco and Barry.

Caitlin watched as the turquoise blue lightning got near Cisco and Barry.

"Guys, look out!!!" She said, warning them before ducking underneath the desk.

Barry and Cisco slowly turned around and saw the turquoise blue lightning coming for them.

With time slowing down, Barry used his speed to get him and Cisco out of the way.

They were now underneath the computer desk, same as Caitlin, ducking.

Time resumed and the string of lightning strikes missed their targets, bounced off of the computer desk that Barry,  Cisco and Caitlin were hiding underneath and the lightning strikes hit the left wall, causing a medium sized hole to form.

After the hole formed, the lightning strikes then dissipated.

Barry, Caitlin and Cisco slowly began to come back up.

When they came back up, they looked at each other.

"H-How...? Wh-What could have done this...?" Caitlin asked, concerned as they were now all looking at the hole in the left wall, near the huge computer screen.

"Harry's going to fire all three of us..." Cisco said, feeling terrible.

"Well... Obviously because YOU were the one who started the argument!!!" Barry said, before his eyes started having a reddish orangish glow to them.

Just as Barry and Cisco were arguing, Caitlin began to hear Mothra crying.

"GUYS!!!" She yelled, getting their attention.

Barry and Cisco stopped arguing and looked in the direction where Mothra was, sitting on the cold floor and crying.

"Mothra...?" Cisco said, now concerned for her.

Barry looked at them.

"We need to get to her... NOW!" He said, his concern rising for Mothra.

All three of them then began to run over to her.


Harrison Wells was about to ring the doorbell when he began to have second thoughts.

Maybe I should go back to Mothra. She must be really worried about me but, I need to talk to Dr. Ling. Maybe she could give me some insight on my Mosura and how to take care of her... He said to himself as he now hesitantly began to ring the doorbell.

A few minutes later, the door opened and a Chinese woman with a braided ponytail was standing there looking at him.

"Hi there. I'm Dr. Ling Chen. Wait a second... Are you...?" Dr. Ling began to say, surprised to be seeing the Director of S.T.A.R. Labs standing on her front doorstep.

Ilene Chen, Ling's twin sister was sitting on the couch in the living room watching the cooking channel when she heard her sister at the front door, talking to some man whom they have never met before.

"Ling, who are you talking to...?" She asked, out of curiosity.

Dr. Ling then looked from the Director of S.T.A.R. Labs back at her sister.

"I'm talking to the Director of S.T.A.R. Labs." She said, in an explanation.

Dr. Ilene Chen then realized who her sister was talking about.

"Dr. Harrison Wells...?" She said, in hopes that the scientist would hear her.

Harrison smiled.

"Yes, Ilene. I came here from S.T.A.R. Labs because a titan of yours has hatched..." He said, in an explanation.

Both of the Chen sisters then realized who the young scientist was talking about.

"Mothra!!!" They said, together at the same time.

Harrison nodded his head yes, in confirmation.

"Yes. Mothra has hatched and is getting along with my team. Team Flash and I was wondering if I could talk to the both of you..." He said, in hopes that the Chen siblings could help him with the answers that he's seeking.

"Yes..." Ilene said, from the living room.

Ling Chen smiled at him.

"Come on in..." She said, fully opening the door and was now standing aside.

Harrison smiled and began to walk into the Chen's house.

He hoped that the Chen siblings would help him on taking care of his Mothra.

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