Ch16: Unacceptable!

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When they got into the room, Cisco realized that this is just like an office lounge.

"How come you don't let any of us in here, Harry?" He asked, surprised that the young scientist would hide something as amazing as this.

"Because... Usually, I need a room to myself to escape all the drama, including your drama, Cisco. Please have a seat." Harrison said, in an explanation while he was fixing himself a cup of coffee.

Cisco sat down and waited patiently for the scientist to make a cup of coffee.

After Harrison made a cup of coffee, he went over to Cisco.

"You want coffee?" He asked, looking at the young meta human.

"No. I don't want coffee. Do you have any sodas?" Cisco said as Harrison was now sitting down beside him.

"In the refrigerator behind you." Harrison immediately answered.

Cisco got up and went over to the refrigerator.

When he opened the fridge, he found some Coca-Colas, Diet Coca-Colas, Sprite, some Pepsi's and...

"Baby bottles of milk...?" Cisco said, now looking back at him.

"I've made formulated milk for Mothra. It's really special. It's to help boost her growth and her speed." Harrison said, in an explanation.

Cisco understood and grabbed a Pepsi.

He then went back over to his chair and sat down.

"Well... Besides us sitting here and taking a break... What did you need to talk to me about?" Cisco asked, while opening the tab on the can of Pepsi.

Harrison sighed, in frustration.

"You know what you did, Cisco!" He said, his voice full of concern.

Cisco chuckled and scoffed.

"Pfft! As if I knew, Harry. So... What is the real reason that you brought me in here?" He said, not taking this seriously.

Harrison then gripped onto the table.

His eyes full of anger.

"Cisco, you need to take this seriously!!! This is no time to be playing around. Especially since you hung up on me for no apparent reason at all!" Harrison said, in an explanation while letting all of his frustration out.

Cisco then remembered when he hung up on the scientist.

"I... I'm so sorry, Harry. It... It's just that I... I felt as if you were going to ask about Mothra." He said, apologizing for what he did.

Harrison sighed.

"Well I was going to ask you about her but, YOU HUNG UP ON ME!!!" He said, before getting really angry again.

Cisco sighed.

How was he going to explain this to Harrison about Mothra...?

Harrison sighed, in defeat.

"FINE!!! If you're not going to tell me, then I'll have to ask Barry and Caitlin myself!" He said as he now began to walk out of the room.

Oh no. What have I done...? Cisco said to himself as he now got up, Pepsi can in his hand and he began to follow the scientist out of the room.

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