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[A week later..]

The days became shorter and shorter, seemingly more meaningful and occupied. It was nothing but lies though. The false security of feeling like somebody wasn't going to last very long with the boy. He had clearly noticed Tanya's disappearance for a day or two, until he saw Sarah distressed about it. He knew that Tanya's door was locked somehow, but the window was open when the two of them checked the room. So that happened. As of now Tanya has yet to return, it concerned Alex more than he expected it would, but she's probably alright.

"You wouldn't leave me, right?" Sarah asked the boy. The two of them were on her bed, the night already settled in. "No." He responded. "Promise me, Alex." "I promise." The quiet conversation was the only thing that filled the room at the moment. "Good boy.." She said to herself, the words barely audible. "I can sleep at night knowing you won't leave me. You know that, right?" She said in an oddly serious tone. It creeped the boy out for sure, but he tried not to mind. "I know." He said. "Don't ever be like her. Stay here with me forever, she made the mistake of leaving." Sarah had mumbled. The words that escaped her lips were so odd, it was starting to make Alex feel unsafe.

"I won't leave you. Not like her." He said in response, hoping that would get the girl to stop talking. As much as he loved her voice, it was starting to cause anxiety deep within him. Some alarm was going off and it made his heart pound, this time not in a good way. He figured that Sarah had noticed how on edge he looked or felt, mostly from her saying, "Alex, you don't need to be scared of me. I'm only doing what's best for you." Despite her words of reassurance, he still felt unsafe. He eventually convinced himself to believe her.. for now

Alex didn't sleep that night.

Sarah was already clearly asleep when he was just unable to rest. The words she had spoken to him were so different and out of place, he was either overthinking or his gut was telling him to run or he was already in over his head, one way or another it kept him awake. The red morning had started to seep through the curtains in the room by the time the boy even felt remotely tired. He waited however. He sensed that Sarah had started to shuffle awake, so he pretended to be asleep. He felt her warmth escape from his grasp eventually, hearing the door shut. For once he didn't miss her as much.

At the sound of the shutting door, he finally let himself relax, dozing off. His dreams however were not welcoming ones whatsoever. He dreamed of terrible things, everyone he ever knew was there, bad things happened to the ones he cared about. Except Sarah. She was hurting those he loved, and eventually him. He hadn't felt the physical pain she was causing him, except for on his thighs. For some reason. At first he saw a snake, a huge one, constricting his legs. This was already terrifying enough, and then he saw knives being thrown at him. They cut him deep in his legs, especially his thighs.

He woke up later to an empty room. It was 2 in the afternoon. He stood up, panic in his eyes and adrenaline in his veins, and immediately walked into the bathroom to check his legs. Funnily enough the wounds were there. Like some animal slashed his legs with long yet thin claws. He wasn't bleeding, which meant the wounds had been there. His pants were a bit bloodied but that was about the worst of it. He didn't know how this happened, there were no cats or raccoons around. And then it hit him.

Did Sarah do this?


Did she hate him all of a sudden? Was she taking her anger out on him? Wait, how could she have done this? She was probably at work. Something might've just broken into the place and scratched him up. He cleaned his injuries up, finding that after washing them they started to bleed again. He just wrapped his thighs up with bandages and pretended nothing even happened. He left without a second thought to check out the house and scope for any loose animals. Nothing. He eventually was standing in the living room, puzzled. Whatever. Shrugging it off, the boy just tried to distract himself by cleaning.

Such an odd thing to happen today, isn't it? But the rest of the day was still available, so why not take advantage of it to do something. Which is why Alex is being productive by cleaning. The place doesn't exactly get dirty, but it was starting to get a little messy. And right in the middle of him cleaning, a loud and sharp bang sounded off outside. The boy jumped when he heard it, looking out the window. It was raining. Just thunder, nothing to worry about.

Well, not until he saw someone running away from behind an old car. Right in front of the house, yet too far away for Alex to be able to recognize the person. Why were they running away? He grabbed an umbrella and walked out in the heavy and unforgiving rain, approaching the old and rusty car. He walked around it, finding one of the most horrific and traumatizing things he has ever seen yet. He was in shock and at a loss for words, he didn't know what to say or how to feel, but one thing was for sure.

He was crying.

He dropped to his knees on the wet gravel, sobbing near the car. He was having a huge panic attack, and was without a doubt shaking. Sarah was nowhere to be seen, so some stranger probably did this. He didn't even dare to reach over towards the mess, one because he didn't feel right about it and two, it was everywhere. He looked around again, nobody was here with him. He was here to cry like a weak little baby over something he's watched and caused time and time again. What was he crying over you may ask? What happened? Why was he so upset?

You'll see..

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝?~~ Madness Combat oc loreWhere stories live. Discover now