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(This one is a sad part , let's act like sonny was in season 15 )

O: hey Amanda?

A: yeah..

O: do you like sonny..

A: Olivia fucking benson.

O: Amanda.. Olivia hated when Amanda raised her voice cause she still was getting over William Lewis

A: Olivia. I promise I only want you sweetheart.

O: so then why did u kiss sonny?

A: Olivia-

O: no Amanda. You said you loved me but yet to act as if I really didn't think you where like that Amanda it isn't fair I'm sorry I don't show a care or love but I'm also in the middle of recovering from yk who and you do this to me I can't. Amanda I love you but I can't be with someone who doesn't love me back.

A: Olivia.. I was drunk and sonny took control over me .. we know exactly how I get when im drunk liv.

O: Amanda .

A: no liv stop. you know DAMN! Well I would of never done this to you I would of never ever DID THIS!! I was taken control of , Olivia benson I love you and I know your going threw Lewis so why would I EVER do this to you in any type of way? If I didn't love you I wouldn't be with you.

O: but

A: no buts.

O:Amanda no I don't care! I'm going home for now.

A: liv..

O: Amanda don't. I need space!

A: ok liv im sorry..

O:yeah. ok bye Amanda.

A: bye livvie

Olivia felt sad to do this she knows Amanda couldn't control being drunk but she couldn't get over the picture sonny sent to flex on Olivia it hurt her.

(Amanda texts oliva)

A: livvie?
A: liv. Answer me please!

O: what!!!

A: I love you..

O: then you wouldn't kiss carisi

A: OLIVIA! I was DRUNK! this isn't about me or carisi I would never fucking fall in love with him Olivia benson I'm literally lesbian! I love you and I didn't control myself I drunk to much and sonny knew that!!!!!

O:I'm sor-

A: no your not.

O: Amanda Rollins.

A: Olivia benson.

O: I rlly am sorry I know it was his fault ok I'm sorry just don't be mad please

A: liv..

O: no im sorry please

A: liv im coming over.

O: Amanda im sorry!

( Amanda at livvie house*

o: Amanda.. pls don't scream im sorry I really am I shouldn't of done that i know it was dumb and ik you want to breakup with me im sor-

Amanda kisses Olivia

o: Amanda..

A: liv im not leaving you im spending the night!

O: yay! come in come in!!

A: cozy home ain't it!

O: yeah I love it Brian-nvm

A: Brian helped you I know

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