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It's 7Pm in the precinct and it's Amanda Olivia and fin along with Kat and sonny is talking to fin

Amanda can't seem to stop staring at Olivia she can't stop thinking of her name she stops cause she feels a tap it's fin letting her know she's staring mad hard

(You know already , f for fin k for Kat a for Amanda o for Olivia s for sonny)

F:yo Amanda girl you are staring.

A: I am? She says jokingly fin walks off laughing to the rest room

Amanda looks at her desk and back to see Olivia at the coffee machine she had to stop looking she didn't wanna get caught .

O: hey Amanda

A: o-hi liv ? Amanda is super nervous only cause she thinks liv caught her staring but come on now we know she did and fin already told Olivia Amanda likes her cause he knows so Olivia yeah she teases

O: staring?she says with an arched brow

A: No of-

F: don't lie Amanda u was staring her down fin said walking to his desk

A: fuck you she said under her breath jokingly

O: Amanda my office dear Olivia says walking off looking at her phone holding her coffee

A: yeah-

F: nice working with ya

A: fuck you she said again jokingly

In Olivia's office)

O: Amanda you where staring me down so we have a problem? She said leaning on her desk

A: No liv she said softly staring Olivia with eye contact

O: Amanda. Don't lie to your boss we know this already..she said scratching her hair putting her glasses on

Amanda loved that. Olivia's glasses

O: Amanda? At this point Olivia was worried of Amanda's obsession with her cause there would be times she would be lost in her eyes

A: sorry uh what happened? She said nervously

O: close the blinds please

A: yeah of course she said closing them and locking the door

O: Amanda why do you stare me down everyday u stare at me as if u wanna pull ur gun on me? What's going on amanda she said sitting down

A: liv..I don't really know she said she was clearly lying Olivia could see it

O: you look at me everyday she said undoing the first to buttons on her top

A: li-she started staring again and Olivia was worried cause Amanda wouldn't stop but she had to get a reaction

O: Amanda come to the front of my desk

A: y-yeah liv she said stumbling over to her

O: sit she said softly holding Amanda's thigh

A: li-like on ur lap?

O: yes. Sit down amanda ur light anyway sit come on

A: Al-Amanda felt Olivia put her arms over her thighs she turned to look at Olivia and Olivia kissed her ,

Touched the middle of her thighs and started playing with Amanda's clit Amanda started moaning Olivia held her hand over her mouth so fin would worry Amanda started grinding on Olivia's lap from pleasure,

O: cum for me amanda she said giggling

A: li-liv Amanda said moaning

Amanda felt Olivia nice so much faster and she came all over Olivia's fingers and she saw Olivia lick her finger n pull Amanda's pants up

O: go to ur desk n meet me by my house tonight

A: yeah ok-

O: bye she said waving to Amanda with a smirk

Part 2 will be soon I'm so tired

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