Our problems

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I was in my office and my detectives were at their desk Amanda's been on desk duty she did have her baby but the pain can hurt a lot so she only got a few weeks left I was writing Chicago called and asked for 2 detectives I'll just send fin and carisi for now. I walked out

"Chicago asked for 2 detectives." I said Amanda and carisi got up. "Amanda. Let fin and carisi go." I said she groaned "liv I can work." She said "I'm aware but the aftermath of pregnancy isn't the best." I said fin and carisi already left and Amanda walked in my office.

Amanda: get me off desk duty. She said while closing the door. "Excuse me?" I said looking up "I want off desk duty I can most definitely work now liv I don't like being coddled." She says "first of all. No and second yes you do." I said she's my girlfriend I've seen a side nobody else have. "No I don't and now!" She said raising her voice a little bit "absolutely not amanda and at home your always being coddled." I said she groaned again.

Amanda: liv i just want off desk duty ever since we've been dating allllll you doo is coddle me and you know I hate desk duty. I'm in good shape I don't need you to be like well this! Always saying the after math of pregnancy is pain and whatever I'm fine stop being upset you'll loose me or your risking something. She said looking away at the end.

Liv: you don't understand that I'm scared of loosing you that's extremely the point of what I'm getting at! I don't want to wake up everyday and know that I lost you! You have to understand Amanda there are people who care about you. I said "then stop caring about me! I'm well good on my own liv I dont need you to tell me the pain of being a mother cause I know! I have my baby and I don't do good with more stress being caused stop caring about me every second you get. She said my eyes widened a little bit. "Amanda-" "no liv. Just stop." She said leaving I sat in my desk and put my head in my hands. I started thinking about it "stop caring about me" does that mean she wants to break up? I started tearing up.

Amanda's pov

I walked in the cribs and sat down why when I get pregnant and get a baby born now I can't talk to murders, rapist. Or anything everybody baby's me like everyday now and it's annoying. But I feel bad for screaming at liv like that I stood up and walked to my desk I looked over and saw liv having her head in her hands I felt bad. I got up and walked to her office and went inside she looked up it looks like she's been crying I walked over fast to her and held her.

Amanda: what's wrong I mean I know but why are you crying? I asked she held me tight. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for acting like the way I was." She said I sat on her desk infront of her and held her "liv..it's okay if anything I went off." I said she started crying harder. "Because of me." She said my eyes widened "what are you talking about?" I asked "I don't wanna loose you Amanda." She said crying harder and gripping harder on my shirt as I held her I stood up and grabbed her. "Liv. Your not loosing me I promise I just went off a little harsh." I said she looked up "so you didn't break up with me?" She asked my eyes widened "hell no liv! Gosh I wouldn't do that in billions of years." I said she smiled and hugged me "I'm just afraid of loosing you." She said "don't be. You won't ever loose me." I said she smiled I kissed her "I love you." I said she smiled.

I love you too

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