Amanda was undercover as a stripper I didn't wanna send her but she was gonna argue me down. So fine I let her go her undercover name was her real name nobody here knew her but me and fin her name was called and she walked out my eyes widened at her outfit
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Her hair was messy a little it's like a messy curly hair thing she does it's amazing. Someone whistled loudly and I looked over it was fin he had a thumbs up. we all had mics on our ears. I was surprised to see my detective knew how to be a stripper. The dj looked like an 18 year old which made me curious. A song starting playing
Rihanna Aaliyah rock the boat. It was a belly dancer song I'm guessing not really tho.
Mm yeah. boy you know you make me float boy you really get me high. Ooh I feel like coming close. Cause you set me.
the lyrics. Amanda was doing her little thing I looked around everybody was staring yeah they were throwing big bucks at her. i and her ended up catching eyes together. I looked away fast I saw a boy who looked around 35-38 he walked onto the stage our suspect was the owner of the club so this had to be him. Amanda looked at him. The song was on replay. he held her hips she caught on as she looked at me then fin. she started dancing with him.
Fin started talking in the mic.
Fin: that's our guy. He said "I know fin." I said Amanda shook her head looking at fin. We can hear him talking the song finally ended and Amanda walked to the dresser room we saw him follow behinds
Liv: Amanda say the safe word when you need it please. I said as I had my cuffs in my back pocket ready. I heard her whisper. "Yes liv." She said quietly we could hear the man talking. "You are a fine women." He said I cringed "Thank you." She said in her southern voice "your an amazing dancer too." He said. We heard his voice kinda next to the mic which meant he was close to Amanda. "thank you what is your name?" She asked "Darron." He said "Cute name." She said her safe word was No by the way.
Amanda's pov
He was trailing his finger up my thigh I looked down and back up.
Amanda: what are you doing. I said in a low tone. "Let me please you." He said "not today dear my husband wouldn't be appreciated" i said "he doesn't have to know." He said standing infront of me. I heard liv on the mic "Amanda..just leave." She said "I'm gonna head out bye darron." I grabbed my jacket I saw him grab my arm. "No why miss out on the fun!" He said as he spun me towards him. "I really gotta go we can talk another time." I said trying to pull me away he held me close he kissed my neck "stop." I said he just laid me on the bed he started unzipping his pants. "No. Stop." I said "Fin go now go." I heard liv say as I could hear her walking. "Your gonna enjoy it's ok." He forces a kiss. I hear the door bust open and see him back up with his hands up eyes wide "what the hell?" He said "hands behind your back." Fin said I stood up,
Liv: are you okay? Did he hurt you? Amanda? Are you alright- "liv im fine." I said smiling "I hope so. " she said "wait your a cop!" He said "yeah." I said.
Livs pov
"Yeah" Amanda said. Fin and everyone left the room as Amanda was still sitting on the bed. "Are you sure your okay." I said sitting next to her I like Amanda a lot and I would hate to see her get hurt or be upset like this. And yeah you know what I mean by like. "Liv I'm fine. Don't worry" she said looking up to my face catching my eyes "I really didn't want you getting hurt Amanda your my friend and I wouldn't bare to live with knowing your not okay and you just saying you are and I- " "Liv. Calm down nothing would happen." She said holding my hand I looked down "okay amanda." I said she smiled and hugged me.
Amanda: thank you liv. She said I was so confused "for what?" I said "being there for me." She said I smiled "your welcome Amanda." I said she looked up and we held eye contact. Her eyes shifted to my lips she looked back to my eyes she moved close to my face. And kissed me my eyes widened she held the kiss I breathed heavy. She stood off the bed and infront of me still kissing me. she let her tongue into my mouth which made me moan a little bit. "Maybe we should finish this at home?" She smirked looking at me.