Olivia's pov the whole way.
The case is getting big I had to call amanda in I picked up my phone to text her.
Olivia: Hey Amanda I know it's your day off we have to call you in Fin and Kat can't do this alone and let alone my partner isn't here aka you so please come in.
Read 2:40Amanda: alright.
ReadAmanda showed up 13 minutes later she had her blue shirt tucked into her black jeans and her hair down she walked in and set all thing things down and fixed her desk a little bit I walked out and over to her desk.
Liv: I'm sorry for calling you in I know it's your day off and I'm so- "it's fine liv I didn't have much to do anyway." She said cutting me off I smiled "thank you." I said I jogged to my office when I heard the phone ring.
Olivia: Olivia benson. I said in the phone. "Liv we got him we're bringing him in now" Kat said over the phone "Okay thank you both." There I hung up 10 minutes by Kat and fin walked in with a man handcuffed I walked over. "Room 4." I said they walked him there and I walked to Amanda who was writing. "Coming partner?" I said I saw a smile show. "Yeah." She got up and walked with me Amanda explained how she feels to me not like in a lover way tho it would be nice gosh she's my detective uhm she explained to me her feelings and how she gets upset a lot so I decided I'll treat her more better cause sometimes it's my fault. We walked into the box and Amanda's eyes widened (random guy Amanda knows.) and so did his. "Jason." She said walking over i arched my brows. "Amanda Rollins isn't it nice." He said Amanda sat across him "What did you do this time." She said looking at him "I didn't do anything" he said in a tone I sat down next to amanda and let her handle it she knew what she was doing.
Amanda: clearly you did and you know how this works what happen. She said grabbing her clip board off her lap and onto the table. "Girl claims me of rape i told them the truth." He said Amanda was writing what he said and she looked up. The way she did made her look so hot? "Then if you didn't do anything why would this girl just claim you of rape." She said the way girl came out her mouth, "Don't give me that Amanda you know I wouldn't do some sick shit like this"he said.
Amanda: I wanna believe you Jason but all the crazy shit you did growing up. She said putting her pen down and staring at him. "Amanda." He said she started talking more and I couldn't help but stare at her the way she talks she looked over at me and back to him I couldn't help but flush red. He finally confessed and we put him away. Amanda was talking to Kat at her desk. I couldn't help but stare while me and fin were having a conversation. She looked over and smiled and looked back to Kat I put my head down and smiled I felt a serve of happiness glass through me. "You good?" Fin asked laughing "Yes yes I am." I said I looked up and saw Amanda and Kat standing infront of us now. "We're getting dinner you guys down?" Kat asked grabbing her coat "Sure." Me and fin said I got up and grabbed my coat Amanda walked beside me. me and her took her car and fin and Kat took fins. I couldn't help but stare at amanda with a small smile. "Why are you staring." She said in a low tone focused on the road.
Olivia: am I or- "don't even lie I can see you staring from the corner of my eye." She said with a chuckle liv just smiled and looked out the window.
I think I'm catching feelings for my detective.
Part 2??

Rolivia one shots.
FanfictionLaw and order svu 2 female detecives in love , smut , lesbian , lbgtq :)