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Amanda's pov

It's 7am and I hate going into the precinct so early but I'm also tired of liv yelling at me for being late.

Amanda walked into to it being empty , she knew nobody was off their just asleep she sits at her desk opens her computer and starts doing her work

Hour went by liv walked in with a new ada sad to say amanda was jealous yes her and Olivia was seeing each other the day before yesterday was their first time making love after that they had a day off so she hasn't seen liv in 2 days which makes it awkward

Liv: oh hey Amanda! Liv said turning over to her , this is Peter stone ! He's gonna be our new Ada

Stone: hello Amanda very nice to meet you he said shaking Amanda's hand

Amanda: hi. I hate being jealous she knew liv loved her their basically dating just secretive'

Fin and sonny walked

Yo! Fin said shaking the new ADAS hand

Sonny: hey guys , he looked over to Amanda and they are best friends so he knew if she was , upset mad or jealous and he can see jealousy

Hey Amanda sonny said walking over , he saw liv look at him while he sat down she has a feeling sonny likes Amanda

Liv: anyway :) Peter this is MY precinct and these are all of my detectives :) I'm gonna head to my office.

Stone: alright. I'm gonna go hope we all can understand each other when it comes to a case. He say waving goodbye

Amanda: I wanna kill him

Sonny: Amanda- now we won't be killing the ada.

Fin: that guy gives off he wants to be with liv.

Sonny: I thought I was the only one who saw the way he looked at her

Amanda: he wishes he could be with her Ha.

Sonny: yeah- anyway I'll be back sonny said walking to the bathroom

Fin: amanda he said looking towards her

What she said looking over

Fin: I already know yours an livs secret.

Amanda: wow you should be a top detective for finding out she said sarcastically

Fin: yeah sure , I hate the guy I know he likes liv he couldn't keep his eyes off her

Amanda: it's fine if she wanted him she could of got him.

Liv: hey guys , where's sonny?

Amanda: bathroom.

Liv: alright , amanda come here? She said looking at amanda , she could see jealousy written all over her face

Amanda: alrighty. She said getting up walking towards livs office

Liv closed the blinds and locked the door so they could talk

Amanda: alright? So whats up?

Liv: Amanda I know what your thinking already and no I don't like Peter he is just a good friend alright?

Amanda: liv he can't keep his eyes off you! she said sitting down

Liv: I can't control that hes our ada we gotta see him everyday basically

Amanda: yeah. She said looking away

Liv got up and walked over to Amanda and sat on the desk but infront of her , liv had a black skirt on with heals.she did just get back from a meeting so.

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