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Elliot is coming back tomorrow. He said a letter to give me (this takes place in season 23)

Amanda: hey liv your zoning out you ok?

Liv: thanks Amanda im fine she said removing herself from the zone out

Liv loved her and Amanda's friendship some people saw it a different way her and Amanda would never hook up there both straight women atleast she thinks she herself is straight ever since Elliot left she only did think about her self not much other people she loved hanging out with her friends tho she just wasn't the most open person anymore she had a lot to go on the past few years.

Amanda and Olivia got off on the wrong start but we can fix it I know we can she matters to me so much and Elliot coming to visit is gonna ruin what I have for Olivia. Don't get me wrong liv may try to hide it but I know she likes Elliot.

Liv walked out her office

Liv: Amanda? Come here will quick? she said only focused on Amanda

She's obsessed with Amanda and it wasn't like a high school crush well it was but worse she only talked to her and she only loved her she only wanted to be around her she even changed her to her partner she wanted Amanda

Amanda: hey liv what's up? She said walking in

Liv: uh I wanted to hangout with you ya know she said her face turning red

Amanda: liv are you ok your face is a she said moving closer to her face to see

Liv: uh..she softly groaned looking away nervously I'm fine.

Amanda: right ok ima sit on the couch then and scroll on my phone unless you wanna talk?

Livs thought

If its with you then I don't care the little things you do I want you to be mine.

Amanda: liv? You there?? This isn't the 1st time you zoned out

Liv: I'm fine thanks for asking

Amanda: alright I'm gonna head home to the girls I'll see you tomorrow liv

Liv: alright bye Amanda she said smiling


Amanda thoughts
This isn't the first time liv zoned out around me. I'm gonna try to get a bit closer and understand why she zoned out all the time it's a bit uh creepy but not weird her old partner is coming for her getting captain I don't like him he left her for like 12 years and he wants to come back for a party?


It's the day of her party she was so excited she never got to have a party that was all about her she went to the store and grabbed the right dress for her she texted Amanda for them to match dresses she thought it would be really cute

It's the day of her party she was so excited she never got to have a party that was all about her she went to the store and grabbed the right dress for her she texted Amanda for them to match dresses she thought it would be really cute

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