It's a school year
Fin is Amanda's best friend
Amanda is fins best friend
Kat is Sonny's best friend
Sonny is kats
Olivia is fins other best friend along with Amanda's kats and Sonny's everyone loves herThen there's Elliot the one popular school bully but in love with Olivia the other popular girl , Alex Cabot is a teacher so is Casey
Day 1 at livs house
O: hey Amanda ready to go?
A: yeah let me grab my bag from your room
Last night liv and Amanda had a sleepover it was nice they finally hanging out more
Fins coming today to? Olivia said to Amanda locking eye contact
Amanda said yeah while grabbing her bag and running to liv she actually almost bumped into liv while running
Olivia caught Amanda so fast
O: be careful Amanda no more running okay? She said in a soft tone holding Amanda
A: y-yeah Amanda said letting go
Amanda is literally Inlove with with Olivia and she doesn't seem to be good at hiding it cause Olivia caught on last week fin knew and couldn't stop himself from telling Olivia everyone knows Olivia is bisexual Amanda atleast wants one shot at her before Elliot gets a hard grip on Olivia and his friendship cause Elliot has always told liv crazy things that made her laugh. I'd be lying if I say they liked each other which I would be lying cause Olivia likes Amanda and Amanda soon to find out laterAt school
Amanda ran straight to fin cause they didn't have the same class as Olivia yet
F: hey girl! He said hugging her hey fin! Amanda screamed but did also whisper if that makes sense , how you feeling Amanda said to fin cause he was sick all week good girl fin said as they started walking to Alex's class their now walking to their desk which happens to be next to Elliot
Elliot: hey! freak what's up with ur shirt!
The class started laughing at amanda
Fin: hey Elliot remember when you got slapped by me?
Elliot: nah it never happened!
Fin: you sure? Fin smacked the hell out of Elliot it left a red mark the class started screaming fight Elliot attacked fin so fin attacked back they wouldn't stop fighting Olivia was walking past and saw the fight and ran up asking what happened she said to Amanda
Elliot made some dumb joke about my shirt and fin attacked him for being rude to me ,
Ohhhh liv said well let me stop them before something else turns up she said pushing fin off Elliot
Elliot: thanks girl I knew you cared about me he said winking
Liv smacked him for his dumb joke
I don't hate you but I don't care about you understood? She said walking off laughing
Casey walked into class wondering what was going on fin explained what happened and apologized for his actions so did Elliot but he didn't really say sorry he just said said what happened
The class didn't like Elliot but sure his jokes where funny the only reason he is popular cause his dad is known and so is his mother Olivia is popular cause everyone thinks she looks extremely hot so she became popular and gained a lot of friends , even the teachers talk to her
After class
A: I'll be back fin I needs use the bathroom she said walking off to the restroom
O: oh hey Amanda liv said getting down off the sink she was reading on her phone cause she was bored and they had an hour off class
A: hey liv! She said walking up to Olivia
O: can I be honest with you?
A: yeah anything she said opening a stall
O: fin told me something
Amanda froze cause she only told fin one secret and she didn't know liv knew fin was Amanda's best friend she didn't think he would tell anybody even tho he is bad at hiding secrets sureA: oh uh what was it? She said with a nervous tone
O: you had a crush on me? Liv said with a soft tone still sitting on the sink
Fuck I knew it amanda thought to herself fin can't keep shit to himself I swearA: yeah sure ..she said bold walking out the bathroom stall
O: you still do? Liv said locking eye contact
A: yeah liv listen , I do I wanna treat you better than some people but I'm not gonna get that chance if you are inlove with Elliot gross to be honest with you but come on the whole school knows your inlove with Elliot
O: but I'm not inlove with Elliot? She said laughing
A: you're not? She said surprised
O: hell no Amanda I actually love you if I'm being honest I wanna be the person you call when your bored or wanna talk to or atleast be that person you speak to about your problems I love you so much Amanda and I wouldn't wanna loose that chance over anything you mean so much to me I'm sure by now you lost those feelings but still I love you so much and you believe it or not your extremely hot she said laughing in a small soft tone and Amanda if anybody didn't have a crush on you by now it wouldn't make sense to me your so damn hot in my eyes , the way you walk , the way you talk , your beautiful blue eyes , your southern tone sometimes when you talk , how you get along with people so easily is just so awesome , you have good taste in style you like doing things I like doing correct me if I'm wrong we are basically everything to each other and I wanna keep that going cause if I can't than I don't know what im gonna do without you Amanda!
A: literally just described what I think about you I honestly am truly inlove with you to and I wanna be there for you in every moment that we last with Olivia will you be my girlfriend..?
O: of course amanda! Liv said hugging her with joy , she kissed Amanda and Amanda kisses back and hugged her with joyful love and kisses
Part 2 tomorrow or maybe after!

Rolivia one shots.
أدب الهواةLaw and order svu 2 female detecives in love , smut , lesbian , lbgtq :)