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(Year 2022)

It's the day off Amanda's deep cleaning her apartment cause it's a bit messy right now. The girls are at her moms for the weekend she had random music playing one song came up.

(Told my brother she ours. By gunna and drake i think.) Amanda didn't know this song so she let it play, she was moving around her house while the song played.

She wanna go viral.

We fucking for hours.

That Pussy got power.

She ended up liking the song she put it on replay. She barley noticed how loud the music was. She didn't care there were a few knocks at the door she walked over she looked out and saw liv. "Liv? Hi." She said the captain looked so confused. "Amanda uhm. We got a call for someone being loud and it was here." She said Amanda eyes widened "oh shit I didn't even notice how loud it was." She said.

Liv: they said it were uhm. Moans? Amanda what's uhm happening? Olivia asked. "I'm listening to a's uhm loud I'm so sorry," she said "it's okay. Can I come in?" She asked amanda moved to the side "what's going on in here?" Liv asked "I was just deep cleaning I'm about done actually I just need to fold my clothes and put them in my closet, she said to liv. "Can I help? The office is slow and I don't really feel like going back." She said Amanda said yeah and they walked to her room. They kneeled infront of the closet (the music still playing on reply.) "that's some music you listen to Amanda." She smiled looking to Amanda "it was random it came on and it just has so much potential." Amanda said.

told my brother she ours.

Im coming my baby.

Liv: it does doesn't it. She said looking up to Amanda, Amanda looked up next. "Yeah it does." Amanda said softly. They held eye contact liv moved her hand to Amanda's chin and smiled "you have very smooth skin." She said to Amanda sliding her hand when moving away. "thank you I uhm have a skin care routine." She said. "Seems like a good one if you..ask me." She said looking into Amanda's eyes while folding the clothes. Amanda felt her area grow wet for the way liv was acting to her. Yeah both them knew Amanda has a thing for women but never knew it would of been her boss.

Amanda: thanks, she said as liv stood up to hang some of the hangers up. The way she was standing infront of Amanda was very hot. Amanda thought her head was looking up as Olivia stood infront of her. "hand me some hangers." Liv said holding her hand out Amanda handed her some hangers. at the last one liv hands swiped across Amanda's. Liv smiled at amanda while she looked down to her. amanda smiled back. The music was still playing.

(Moaning sounds from the song)
we fucking for hours.

liv kneeled down to amanda and infront of her inches away from her face. She held contact with amanda as she held her chin she looked down to Amanda's lips. She looked up to amanda who was staring into her eyes. Liv kissed amanda while still looking into her eyes. Amanda kissed her back. Liv put her tongue in Amanda's mouth and amanda ended up moaning on beat with the song. "mm." Amanda moaned as Olivia smiled. "don't start something you can't finish detective." Liv said standing up amanda sat there stunned. "fuck." Amanda said walking into the living room were liv was at the counter. Smiling amanda walked over.

Liv: someone seems all railed up. Enjoyed our kiss hm? Liv said smiling as amanda stood infront of her. "Please liv stop teasing me." Amanda said. "I'm not dear. I'm just saying don't start nothing you can't finish." She said inches away from Amanda's face. "i wouldn't start something I can't finish if I didn't start it." Amanda said liv arched a brow. liv kissed her again turning them around now amanda was leaning on the counter she put her tongue back in Amanda's mouth sucking on her tongue Amanda was moaning as the song kept playing liv felt Amanda's body warm. She opened her eyes to Amanda's who was looking back at hers she smiled in the kiss and removed her mouth some mouth water hanging off both their lips. She moved back in to Amanda's mouth and used her tongue to lick around it she sucked on Amanda's tongue amanda started moaning the song was playing in the backround as amanda moaned. Liv undid Amanda's shirt as she now see her black laced bra she smirked their still kissing, liv unclipped Amanda's bra making it fall to the floor. Liv smirked. "perfect." She said playing with one breast as she continued to kiss Amanda. Amanda was moaning every second of all of this. "you like that?" Liv said "yes.." Amanda said moaning at the last part. Liv grabbed Amanda's hand and moved them to the bedroom she moved amanda on the bed. She kept her clothes on for now.

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