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           When I woke up I just hoped it was a dream and I would be in my bed but nope, the same yellow light and the buzz, this was real. I get up and see my stuff has been fully charged, I don't know how long I was out but it couldn't have been that long. I get up and walk outside into the dimmed hallway, I turn my camera back on and start filming again and I turn to the left since I came from the right. I follow down the hallway until I get into a larger room with pillars evenly spaced out in the room, roughly around a four by four spacing with the pillars. I walk through them seeing if I can get a better look to find any entrances or if lucky even an exit maybe. I navigated the walls to see if anything was here but it was mostly empty despite the pillars. I walk towards an entrance back into the rooms and halls, the bigger and more open rooms I like to call the lobby areas, mainly bigger rooms that separate into bigger halls and mainly places that are mostly found here, I just wish that it wasn't almost the same, if anything I could have been going in circles and probably wouldn't even know it. I walked into a room that was darkened, there were arrows drawn on the halls and walls in the room,, and that room led to a bigger room that was dimmed a little. It was quite big and I finally saw at least one thing different. There was a note hanging on the wall, I walked towards it and read it.

" If you're not careful and noclip out of reality in the wrong areas, you'll end up in the Backrooms, where it's nothing but the stink of old moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, the endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz, and approximately six hundred million square miles of randomly segmented empty rooms to be trapped in. God save you if you hear something wandering around nearby, because it sure as hell has heard you. Good luck trying to get out, I've been trying for I don't even know how long anymore, time doesn't work here, and if you're reading this then I'm probably already dead, yeah that's how long I've been in this damn place." The note read.

" Wait... backrooms?... SIX HUNDRED MILLION SQUARE MILES!? I was not the only one here, I'm not alone..." I think to myself, I hear a bellowing noise behind me, I slowly turn my head to the entrance where I just came in from. Something so terrifying and awful, it was so tall, so disjointed and dishuman, its arms nearly hit the ground even with its height, its slender body that nearly made it look like it was only bone, but it even wasn't bone itself. It was absolute nightmare fuel. I could barely make out what it looked like, it was pure black. I've seen this before, in my footage that I played back while I was in the room. Me and this creature casually walked past each other in that dark hallway. The horrible humanoid creature starts howling, roaring almost and starts charging running at me.

" FUCK!" I shout, I start bolting towards one of the entrances to the halls, I run through the halls and into rooms, hoping to not find a dead end, hearing the creature like it was right behind me. I turned my head to see if it was but it was just how loud it was.

" WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" I shout in fear, I'm midway through a room and the creature has already started catching up with me, as I turn to get into more of the lobby area I turn around to show the camera what was following me and the creature was seen at the end of the entrance where I came from. I turned back and kept running, open areas weren't really helpful so now the creature knew which way I was going. I ran into a darker room and ran into a dark hall. I kind of recognized the hall but it was a little more different, it was similar to the one I first went into when I thought I saw something behind me at the end and the monster kind of sounded more distant but I knew it was still chasing me. The rustling from the things in my bag was not helping me stay at a low level, I was at an entrance way at the end of the hallway and I rushed for it but as soon as I entered my face went into shock and confusion. The entire room had pillars shaped like a plus everywhere in columns, the room seemed to never end. I turned around to see if the monster was behind me, the monster was rushing at me from one other column of the pillars. I couldn't just keep going straight or else the belligerent monster would catch up with me. I run to the left and run in diagonal lines to try to confuse the monster, I can hear the monster kind of get further from me so I am confusing it but I don't let my hopes up to slow down for a second because I know it is still chasing me. I see an entrance in the near far end of the huge room,

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