Level 13 - Claustrophobic

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           I walk up the ladder and crawl in the hole. I was surprised to see a long square tunnel instead of an end to the hole.

" My claustrophobia isn't gonna like this," I say, I sigh and crawl in the dark hole, I put the night vision mode on my camera. My heart beats faster and my anxiety kicks in, both from the tight crawl space and the dark. I submerge into the darkness where there was no light peering in, I look through my camera to be able to see.

" I really hope there are no entities in here," I say, the walls get thinner, I can't tell if my claustrophobia is getting to me or if the walls are really closing in on me. I felt the wall to see, it was going on at a slight angle, the walls were closing in on me, I started panicking, it's too late now, it's going to be harder to get out than it was for me to get in. I start getting on my side, the wall gap was getting too thin, I accidentally fall forward on my stomach, I try moving but I don't budge,

" Shit!" I say, I tried getting a grip on the wall but the wallpaper was too slippery for me to get a grasp of the wall. I started panicking, my heart beating fast and my breathing going out of control, I tried bending my arms back, it hurt but it was a fair way to get myself out. I push this all of my force and get on my side,

" Ah ow," I say, I crawl from there and keep my hand on the wall for support, the gap gets bigger and I can crawl on my knees again, I look through the camera and see a turn coming up, I follow the turn and head into the direction, it goes straight for a while and there are multiple upcoming turns I could go in, I turn to the left and follow down the tunnel, I notice a man made hole on the wall, I face my camera inside, the hole was big, looked like it could move three people at once, I walk past the hole and notice a couple drawings and a strange black stain for around the walls. I ignore them and keep moving through the tunnel, I notice more drawings and stains pop up even deeper, things like hand prints, windows, suns, clouds, arrows, exit signs, eyes, and messages like help, exit this way, don't move, no escape, etc, and the black stains are bigger than the other ones. I keep crawling and notice that the entire walls were being covered by drawings, I look around observing it, the drawings get more sinister and hit close, as if someone was teasing me and was trying to make me miss home even more and hand prints around,.the drawings continue for a while, no matter what turn I went down there were still drawings, my hands were being covered by the charcoal and graphite lead that was from the drawings. The drawings start fading into the black staining, the texture of the wallpaper feels like it was water dried, giving it a weird texture to feel, like wet paper that dried. I look around while crawling,

" I wonder what this stuff even is," I say, I notice drawings with a white pencil scattered around the stains on the wall, trees and such. The white drawings don't bundle up like the other ones do, the drawings and stains start clearing back into the regular yellow wallpaper, the wallpaper shifts and crinkles when I step on it, my night vision goes out.

" Shit! What happened, oh well, I'll just have to grab my phone," I whisper, I grab my phone and turn on the flashlight, I place my camera in my backpack, I keep crawling forward, I see an upcoming turn, I turn to the right and see an eye,

" Ah! Jeez, what the hell is that?" I say, a big fluffy blue entity with a yellow bowtie and with big dilated eyes and with a sinister smile and multiple rows of sharp teeth got crushed under debris and its arm facing out lifeless on the ground, dried black blood splattered right under the entity and some dripped from its head down to its mouth. I crawl up to it and I lift its arm up then drop it down back in place, I step back and flinch, the entity still lies dead in place, I crawl back out and take another look at the entity before heading away from it, I see another turn up to the right again, hoping to not see another dead entity. I start walking down the tunnel and hear a thud in the distance behind me, I look back and wait, after I feel like it's fine I look back forward and see another one of those glowing smiley faces pop up in front of me, I freeze up, it starts shaking and twitching like what the other one did, I slowly back up and make eye contact with it, I bump my foot on the wall.

" Shit! This is bad, really bad, I'm going to have to stop looking at it eventually, I just gotta do it when I'm ready," I say in my head, I take a deep breath then instantly start rushing down the straight path I've been taking, I hear the entity roaring behind me, seeing the glow appear behind me, I rush and crawl as fast as I can, I hear the big thumps the entity is making behind me, I look back and see the entity behind me catching up,

" Shit!" I shout, I turn to a right and see the glow shine on me shortly after, I see a left turn coming up, I turn and try going down the nearest turn I can, I see that it was a dead end so I keep going straight, I shine to my right and see it was another dead end,

" Fuck!" I shout, I shine down the left and see no dead end, I rush down it and end up sliding at a diagonal, I hear the entity's roars fade a little bit, but still catch up. I start crawling forward, I see the glow from the entity behind me again, I place my hand down and start falling straight down, I see the carpet get closer and the light start breaching the dark before hitting the ground.

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