I was getting hungrier and tired by the minute, I had to find some food and a safe place to be able to rest, I mainly stopped recording until I got bored or figured something interesting was happening because to the point I was recording for nothing, just segmented empty halls and rooms. Just being in this place was starting to annoy me, especially with the constant buzzing from the lights, I've pretty much been able to get used to the smell kind of, it is just a little heavier in the air with it though. My eyes were starting to drift and get heavy, the lights were starting to hurt my eyes and become more shiny and blurry. I walked into a bigger room, there were small columns that I could climb up to against the wall, I shifted my legs back and back against the walls to climb up until I could reach the top. When I do I throw my bag and fall dead weight on top of it. I was pretty high up and out of sight to anything that could potentially see me.
" This is a good spot for me to get some sleep tonight, I still need to find food though or else I'll probably go crazy and try to eat my arm," I say, resting my head on my backpack.
" Goodnight honey, love you, I know you're probably worried about me and probably not getting these, but I'll come back, I swear," I text her. I close my eyes and get some final sleep that I've been needing. It wasn't comfortable to sleep on this, and I would rather sleep on the carpet, but this was probably one of the only spots that I could have probably found and be safe to get some sleep. My sides were hurting, it was also aching my back and neck. I wake up and hear something wandering around, I quietly look over and see the same creature I saw while looking through that gap in the wall.
" Shit," I whisper to myself, I grab my camera and pan it towards the creature and record. I watch as the creature wanders around the area, luckily it didn't hear me while I slept, it wanders around the room for no reason, like it was scouting for something or trying to look for something. Making the same growling noises and breathing noises that it made, I watch as the creature slowly makes its way out of the room.
" Hm, I should probably wait until it's far, don't want to risk making noise and getting caught by that thing, who knows if it's as dangerous as the other one I saw," I think to myself, I hear the creature rummaging in the halls, slowly hearing its footsteps and howling fade away, I slowly crawl to the edge of the column, the wallpaper crinkles under me as I move, I look down.
" Man I'm pretty high up, maybe it was a bad idea coming up here," I think to myself, I try doing the same process from how I got up again, it took a lot of motivation to try to get myself down but I nearly outran a monster that was chasing me for almost half an hour. I make it half way and my foot slips,
" Shit!" I shout, I land stomach down on the ground and create a thud,
" Ow...shit, shit, shit, I should get out of here," I say, I hear the howling from the creature nearby and its breathing, it was heading back this way. I run in the room near the right entrance, I pam my camera outside the corner in the room to see if it comes in, I see its limbs slowly wave around near the entrance it went out from and back in the room.
" Shit, I shouldn't just stand here I gotta get out of here before that thing finds me," I whisper, I run down the halls as quietly as I can, trying to get as far away from the room as possible, I run into a lobby area and start walking to catch my breath a little.
" Ok, I should be a little bit away from that thing, I just hope it didn't hear me run, I should just keep my guard up for now," I say, I take my camera out and record, I walk into a hallway. I slowly walk down it, then a chair suddenly hits the wall at the end of the hallway,
" AH! What the fuck! What kind of bullshit is that!-" I shout, I heard the same howling as I did from the creature in the big room I slept in.
" Shit..." I whisper, I run down the hall,
" Fuck you magic chair," I whisper to the chair, I flip it off while run down the dark hallway, I can hear the creature at the end of the hall where I came from behind me. I run down the hall as fast as I can, I turn to a left, it was a long segmented hallway, like the one I went down in when that monster was chasing me in.
" Man, I gotta get away from that thing before it catches up to me and notices that I'm here," I say, I can hear the howling behind me as it gets closer. I turn my head and see the silhouette of the shadow from the creature reflecting on the wall and floor.
" Shit," I whisper, I sprint down the hall as fast as I can hoping without making as much noise as possible, I enter the yellow lobby and hide out of sight of the dark hallway I came from. I breathe quietly heavily to catch my breath, I pan my camera as close to the hallway to be able to see if the creature was coming down. I see it stop at the chair, observing it and staring at it, it then turns around and walks back the hallway it came from, not coming down the hallway where I was.
" ...So it wasn't chasing me, but was only interested in the chair!?" I shout in my head,
" Well that was a waste of time and energy, lets just hope it doesn't change its mind and comes back," I say, From what seems like hours have passed, I seem to not be getting anywhere, many loose encounters, the same rooms, it's getting on my nerves. I have to find another place to stay for a temporary base so I can sleep, it's been days on end where I have not eaten anything, I need to find something fast or I may die from starvation.

The Backrooms
HorrorIt was like it happened out of thin air, like the moment I was there then gone in the next. Like I fell through the ground, where am I? How can I get out? What lies ahead in this barren "abandoned" world? And what waits for me?... *wake up* *Wake U...