Level 12 - Peculiar Places

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           I walk past the inflatable tube guy and down the hall the room led to, it gets brighter and I stay more cautious from that entity wandering around. From what seems that hours go by, wandering around the backrooms, in the lobby areas and the complex, there haven't really been a lot of strange things around, just mostly the same walls, the buzzing lights, the smell of the gross carpet and lingering stale coffee, and the randomly generated halls and lobby areas the complex has. My feet start hurting, I sit down in a hall for a moment and take my shoe and sock off, blisters appear all over my feet, apart from the callus buildup around the heel of my foot.

" Shit, I should dial it down a little with the walking, I don't want these to get worse," I say, I rub my feet, feeling a little sting to them, I put my shoe and sock back on, I get back up and look around, I walk down the hall and look right, my eyes widen, a McDonalds interior just in the middle of the room.

" What? But how did this get here... wait a minute, a McDonalds interior mysteriously went missing back in 2018, only the outer McDonalds stood but the interior mysteriously vanished out of nowhere, could this be it?" I say, I pull out my phone and go to google and search up "the McDonalds interior mystery vanishing of 2018" to see if it matches,

" Come on, at least let me look at this," I say, the images load up, the missing texture pack from the McDonalds only shows the concrete foundation and the outer walls and windows while the inside was completely missing, too perfect of a cut for a person to do, and an older photo of what the McDonalds interior used to look like. I look at the image and back at the McDonalds, I stick my phone up and compare the two, they look similar, pretty much two perfect matches, the missing McDonalds interior vanishing mystery has been solved. I walk up to the McDonalds and investigate, a normal pillar from the complex stands in front of it to the left a little, the white tile flooring completely different from the carpet, 4 even tables in front of the front desk of the McDonalds with the chairs somewhat messy, a yellow painted wall with a big semi red pillar in the center of it and red painted wall near the ceiling holding the McDonalds sign up, the menu and McDonalds sign flicker while the menu has special items from 2018 and regular menu items, two pictures of Ronald McDonald and the McDonalds logo, one with a man and his face blurred, the entire kitchen behind the front desk was there too, ridden with stale and rotting food abandoned. I walked around scouting the place out, getting every detail in to check to see if it was in fact the McDonalds interior that went missing back in 2018. I walk past the tables and look at the menu and McDonalds sign, then I look at the pictures on the wall, I go behind the front desk and into the kitchen, the smell was awful, the smell of mold and fungus growing on the food, I quickly get out of the kitchen and intake some fresher air, not that the air that I am breathing now is so called "fresh". I've taken pictures of the complex and special places on my phone for some key evidence and maybe even a memory for me to keep for coming to this awful place and for a reminder about it for when I get out, if I can get out. I take a picture of the McDonalds, who knows how much I can make for finding out the secret to the incident that happened in 2018, I walk away from the McDonalds, taking a second look.

" Heh heh... at least I got to see something from my world here, makes me think of home," I say, I walk until the McDonalds is out of my sight, I walk down a short hall and see an elevator at the end of it, I walk up to it and click the button, I hear the elevator come to my floor and hear the ding, the elevator door opens and I step inside, the inside was all that different, except for the tile flooring, the wallpaper was still imbedded onto the wall of the elevator and there was a single square light above me buzzing. I click the down button and watch the elevator door close, the elevator plays generic elevator music, I wait, watching the number go down, standing in the corner, I hear the ding and step out. It doesn't really look all that different but the environment has changed, I hear a phone ring, I follow where it was, I turn to the right, and see a red chair and a small table next to it, I walk over to it and reach my hand out. My hands shake,

" I'm shaking, what if it's a real person? Could an entity be smart enough to pick up a phone? Or even transmit a call?" I ask myself, I pick up the phone and the phone rings,

" H-hello?" I say, no answer, I place the phone down in disappointment,

" Damn it, what if that was my best shot? Damn it," I say, I walk away from the phone and the chair, I notice a small intersected halfway next to the chair, I walk up to it and see that it's a small kitchen area, I walk over and turn on the light, I look around and see one side has a sink and drawers and the other side a countertop with drawers underneath. I look at the small kitchen area in the hall for a second then I walk away from it. I walk away from the chair and the phone, I walk into a bigger room and see a ladder leading to another square hole in the wall.

" Hm, well that's strange, I wonder where this will lead," I say.

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