Level 26 - Total Chaos

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           *Thunk* I fall onto the hard ground,

" Ow, man falling on concrete hurts way more than falling on carpet, I think I got a few scrapes and pulled the skin a little bit on my hand," I say, I look down and see a dirty scrape on my hand, my hand starts bleeding a little and it stings. I shake it off and get up and look down a long road tunnel and many hollow metal doors. I look behind me and see the tunnel is darker, I start walking down the large bright tunnel, seeing signs that have an "x" and a danger sign on the ceiling of the tunnel, yellow lights follow down the tunnel for what seems like forever, I look over at the door while I pass by them, I walk up to one. I open it and see the yellowness of the backrooms,

" NOPE! NEVER AGAIN!" I shout, I slam the door and storm off, I walk down, skipping some doors and continuing walking down the road tunnel. I walk down for a minute, and the tunnel never seems to end, the tunnel gets darker. I look back seeing the light portion fade further and further away, I'm almost pitch black, the only lights there are the red lights shining off of the "x" and the danger sign. I also see the slight silhouettes of the doors, I walk over to one and open it, an array of seizuring colorful lights blares out, shining the darkness and multiple rotating and still shapes, I close the door immediately and blink fast, my eyes get watery by the sight and I place my hand on the concrete wall for support. I rub the wetness out of my eyes and keep going down the dark tunnel, I see a patch of light up ahead and I start rushing towards it, I get back into the light and see a big painted green exit sign with the stick figure running to the door and an arrow pointing straight.

" Hm, I haven't really been opening any doors, I should open some and see what's inside," I say, I walk up to a door and open it, I see the poolrooms and immediately close it.

" I'm not going back there either," I say, I walk to the other side of the tunnel and open up another door, I see a big green field with small white houses and a big bright blue sky with clouds, I peek my head in and look around and don't see any parts of the wall, I close the door and start heading to other doors. I open one and see the level with the different colored walls and the childish carpet, I see a Partygoer turn around and look at me, it starts laughing and slowly starts running towards me, I close the door and step back from it, I hear the Partygoer laugh o the other side of the door, banging on it. I speed walk away from the banging door and open another one. I see the familiar pink walls and see Mr Kitty in the hall, he look over at me,

" Oh hey Mr Kitty, didn't know I'd see you so soon," I say, I place something in between the door to keep it cracked open, I walk in the house and see the glitchy entity come closer, he grabs a piece of paper and a pen and start writing on it, he hands it to me and I look at the scribbly note.

" How did you get back here?" the note said,

" Oh, I'm wandering in this big road-like tunnel with a lot of doors leading to a bunch of different levels," I say to him, I hand him the paper and he writes on it some more, he hands me the note and I read it.

" The Hub is a dangerous place, you shouldn't be wandering around in it," the note said,

" The Hub? So this is like some big place where I can go to any level I want? I mean I can see the dangers of being in it but as long as I open the right doors I should be fine," I say, he grabs another piece of paper and starts writing on it, he gives me the note.

" Would you like something to eat or drink?" the note said,

" Oh no, I'm fine, the supermarket you brought me to sure was more than enough, I just wish that the outside of it was less dangerous, I was in this strange dark neighborhood with a ton of street lights," I explain, I shake my bag and al the items shake around in it, I hand him the note, I wait until he's done and he hands me the note,

" I'm sorry, I thought that supermarket was safer, I didn't know it led to the Suburbs, I hope you didn't get into much trouble while you were there," the note said,

" Oh no, I mean the only bad thing that happened was that I was tricked into thinking that another human was down there and I ended up being chased by a ton of different entities," I explain, he grabs more paper and hands me another note.

" So how did you end up reaching The Hub? It's hard to get into there," the note asks,

" Oh, I clipped through the ground while standing on a manhole cover and ended up falling into there," I say, he writes on another piece of paper and hands it to me,

" Well, do you want to stay here? You can live here, it's pretty safe," the note said,

" Oh... I would love to but I have to find my real home, back into my world, but thanks for the offer though, and for sending me to a place where I can get food, well, I'll be seeing you Mr Kitty, maybe if I end up coming back then I'll think about it," I say, Mr Kitty starts coming closer as I walk out of the door, I close the door and see Mr Kitty on the other side until the door closes. I walk down the tunnel some more,

" Man, when will this end, how many levels are there?" I say, I go and open up a door, I see a big corn field and a dark red sky. Four long thin tubes were sticking out of the cornfield, it's quiet and subtle. The distant sound of the corn plants start moving and shifting, I see the long tubes start moving.

" What the... OH SHIT!" I shout, a giant spider-like creature towers over the cornfield, the long tubes were its legs, I hear it's stomping and I try closing the door faster, I see a leg stomp down right in front of me before I close the door.

" *Phew* thank god," I say, I look down and see a small portion of the spider leg sticking through the door, the leg starts moving up out of the door and I hear banging coming from the wall, I look up and see the bricks starting to shift out of place and crack, the walls and floor start vibrating, I start running and hear the bricks break, I see chunks of the wall and bricks fall near me in front of me. I look back and see the wall broken and the dark red sky, the entity starts crawling out of the hole, I hear it roar and start chasing me, I hear and feel the stomping of the giant dark entity behind me. I open a door and see the long red hospital hallway and the red exit signs, the entities that were in there stop and look at the door, they start running towards me.

" You've got to be fucking kidding me," I say, I start closing the door and running, the entities catch up to the door, I look back and see the entities tear down the door. I look back and see many entities rush out of the room, the giant enemy spider entity follows, catching up with me, and I hear the big mixes of roars and howls behind me.

" Damn it, I have to do something soon or else those things will catch up to me... shit, I'm going to have to choose a room I go in, but which one though? There are so many, I just have to go in one and hope for the best, and if I'm going to do that, I better do it now," I say, I see an upcoming door, I sprint towards it and open the door, I rush in and close the door behind me.

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