Level 5 - Log #7

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           " Log #7, It's been days, weeks maybe, I think this place is starting to get to me, the color deterioration to my eyes is starting to mess with them. I've noticed a small symptom of insomnia as well, just the place alone, I can't really get any good sleep in without knowing that I'm in danger. I've also developed a small chesty cough, probably from how dry this place is, I haven't had anything to drink in a while. I've recorded almost every bit of myself being in here for what, it's all the same, nothing has changed for the past days ever since I got here. I've started calling the creatures and monsters in here entities. This is their world, I'm just food or friend to them, speaking of which, I need to find food soon, I don't know how long I can go on anymore without eating or starving to death. It's gotten to the point where I can't go without ten minutes without my stomach feeling some kind of pain. There are a lot of things that are messing with me, sleep, hunger, this place, the monsters, all of it is starting to drive me insane, I just want to go home. I bet so many people are confused, concerned, and worried for me, I bet they are trying to look for me but what's the point, I don't even know where I am. I'm hungry, smelly, weak, tired, I just want to go home, I feel like I'm starting to see or hear things that aren't even there or real, I just want a good night's rest but I can't with these entities wandering around, I hope I can go back home. I hope I can just find an exit, I've been searching for days now, and the place never ends. I'm starting to lose hope but I won't stop now until I find at least one exit," I recorded. I stop the recording and put my phone in my pocket, I stand up and put my notebook in my bag.

" Well let's get moving," I say to myself, I grip onto my backpack straps and look down in sorrowness and sigh. My stomach rumbles and it hurts, I lean down and hold it,

" Gyah! man I hope this isn't getting fatal now," I say, I look around me, a big roomed hall with two big pillars near the right to an entrance, and on the other side were two ways to get to halls,

" Hm... I think I'll go down the entrance way with the pillars," I say, I walk in and it's just a small empty room.

" Oh, I guess there was no point to coming down here, I guess it's the hallways I guess," I say, I turn around and start walking down the halls. I feel my eyes get a little heavy and I lean against the wall, I slowly stop walking for a minute and rest for a second. I hold my face in my hand, I slowly fall to the ground so I can rest my eyes and legs for a moment.

" I'll take a rest, but all I can do is not fall asleep, or else I may never wake up again if I do, just... don't... fall... asleep," I slowly say, I end up crawling on the carpet because of how tired I was. I managed to get into a hallway and there was a small intersection in the wall. I crawl in and it was dark, I stand up and I scout the place.

" Hm, no entities, that's good, I doubt they will find me in here as well," I say, I lay on the ground, and immediately shut my eyes, I stayed out of sight from the entrance so nothing would see me. I take my phone out and text my girlfriend goodnight, I know she won't get my message but I will still send them for comfort. I place my electronics chargers in an outlet and charge my camera and phone. Seconds later I fall asleep, I have a dream that I'm home, I'm in the real world, I'm with my girlfriend, my friends, my teachers, it hurts, I hope I can see them all soon. I wake up in slight tears, I feel one run down on the side of my face, I was much more energized, but I needed more to help sustain me from dying. I walk out the small room cautiously to make sure any entities weren't around, I walk down the open hallway to see which halls I follow and run into. I walk for a while, as I walk down the more open halls, they get smaller and more crowded with lobby areas and rooms. My stomach rumbles again and it hurts, I was getting thinner,

" I need to find food quick or I may die, but it seems like it's going to be impossible," I say, I walk down a dark small hallway, it was slightly more dim in the area I was at, the even dim lights, the pillars, the rooms and halls, were starting to get me nowhere. I walk down the room and past the pillar and is welcomed by a hallway with a dark room in the middle and a brighter open room next to it and a brightened hallway, I put my eyes on the camera and slightly pick something up in the dark room, I walk closer and see nothing was there.

" Welp I'm avoiding that room," I say, I walk away from the dark room and go into the brighter one, I walk out and into a lobby area, I notice something. Three arrows at the end of a wall, I walk towards it and follow them, I walk down the path more and see another arrow on the wall. I don't see any more arrows so I go down the hallway, I turn my head and see a message. I look closer at a drawing above it. It was a window with the sun and the ground, I read the message.

" Don't move, Stay still?" I read confused, I heard the same bellowing noise as the monster that first chased me. I turn and look down a dark open hallway and see the monster afar starting to run at me.

" SHIT!" I shout, I run the opposite way of the monster and hear its howling and roaring behind me,

" Damn it! I don't have time for this!" I shout, I run down the halls trying to find a way to confuse or get away from the monster but it was on my tail behind me. I turn and look at the monster for a second before turning my head back to focus on where I was going, I turn and start running down a dark hallway.

" Damn I hate dark hallways," I grit my teeth, I turn my head and see the monster at the end of the hallway chasing me. I sprint down the hall and turn down the right to see what was in front of me, it was a smaller intersection of the hallway, I run down and turn to a left, I run down a smaller dim hallway with two entry halls on the left, I go to the second one to hopefully confuse the monster into thinking of going in the first one. It kind of works, I hear the monster get a little distant then get louder as it goes down the hallway I went through, I run through the hall into a small room that was a dead end, the room had a square hole on the floor. I run up to the hole and look down, I turn my eyes to the entrance as the monster gets closer and louder, I see the silhouette of the monster run in and I knew what I had to do to escape it, I hesitated at first.

" Shit!" I shout, I jump right into the hole.

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