" Jeez, this place is pure nightmare fuel, I can barely see a thing," I whisper, I walk through the dark lobby and into a darker room, I shine my flashlight around and see some office desks and filing cabinets around, the lights were very dim and don't even light up the room. I look at the white ceiling tiles and back at the room, I start walking down it, I open a door and start walking down a small hallway, I end up going into another lobby area, I walk around, being careful not to disturb the surrounding silence and listen very carefully for noises anywhere, I hear thumping coming from another room and a long bellowing howl.
" Shit, shit, shit," I whisper. I quickly turn my flashlight off and put night vision on my camera, I quietly run away from the open space and hide behind a wall. I look through my camera and watch the howler slowly walk into another room,
" Howlers... of course," I whisper, I get up and slowly walk away from where the howler was, after I feel like it's safe I turn my flashlight back on and quietly start running, I run down into halls and rooms and lobby areas. I stop running in a lobby area and stop moving and start listening carefully,
" It's quiet... really quiet actually, like too quiet," I whisper, I start walking, listening if any entities are nearby, I wander around and go down into a room, I see a staircase, I start walking in the room and start walking up the staircase. I walk to the top, I see a large room with four pillars placed in the room, I walk in and look around, I see a door at the end of the room, I walk up to it and hear some roaring behind me, I look back and see a smiler at the entrance of the room, it starts coming towards me in the dark room, I start running and close the door behind me, I watch as the entity tries pushing its way through the door into the hall, I grab some nearby objects like a broom and filing cabinet. I place it in front of the door then run off, I look back and see the smiler trying to break down the door,
" That should hold for long," I say, I look back and see the glowing of its eyes and teeth through the small windows, I hear the bashing as I run down the hall, I hear something snap and look back, I see that the broom snapped and the smiler tried opening the door. I see the smiler push the filing cabinet towards me, I look back and see a huge dent in the filing cabinet, I shine my light back and see giant dents and claw marks on the door. The smiler bursts through the door, I look back and see the smiler's mouth get wider, it sends out a horrible glitchy roar and I can hear the thumping of the entity trying to catch up to me. I turn my light around and see the entity's claws scratch up the walls,
" Oh shit!" I shout, I turn back and see a bigger room, an idea comes to my mind, I rush into the room and turn my flashlight off, I see a small thin entrance to a room and run into it, I hear the smiler stop. The smiler starts sniffing the ground and looking in multiple entry directions, the smiler looks at the thin entrance I went in and stares at it, the smiler starts running off into an entrance and roars, I hear its roars fade as it goes down into the entrance, I slowly get out of the room, I grab my camera and look through it, I walk into the other direction the smiler went in and walk down the hall.
" Jeez, I can't have a break with these things," I say, I look around the long dark room that led into closed rooms and hallways, I start walking down it, looking into rooms and halls, I slowly walk up to an entrance way into a lobby area, I hear a howl behind me, I turn around and see a howler behind me, I start running and I hear it howl a bellowing noise, I run into the lobby and I look back, I see a dark silhouette of a tall skinny dishuman-like stick figure chasing me. I look through my camera and start running into different rooms, I look behind me and see the howler right on my tail,
" God damn it! These things just don't give up!" I say to catch my breath, I hear the howler right behind me, I feel like it's getting closer and closer to me. Like I'm within arms reach of it, I look back and see the howler, I look at its long thin arms with three skinny finger-like appendages. I run in a completely randomly generated place, trying to confuse and get away from the howler behind me, the howling gets louder and more aggressive, the entity lets out a long howl and a more aggressive one, I hear the howlers howling settle and suddenly disappear. I turn around and don't see the howler anywhere,
" What the hell... where did it go?" I say, I shine my flashlight around to see if it was hiding or stalking me but there's no trace of it, I start walking down the open room and past a pillar. I walk into a small room with three entry points, I walk in the middle one and see where it takes me, I follow down a hallway and turn to a right, I turn again and walk straight down, I see an end to the hallway and quickly follow it down to it, I look out and see one singular working light and a big pair of two wooden double doors,
" Hm, strange," I say.

The Backrooms
HorrorIt was like it happened out of thin air, like the moment I was there then gone in the next. Like I fell through the ground, where am I? How can I get out? What lies ahead in this barren "abandoned" world? And what waits for me?... *wake up* *Wake U...