Level 21 - Endless Playplace

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           I grab a metal broom and barricade the door, I sit on the floor and catch my breath for a moment. I grab the water out of my backpack and drink the rest that I had in it, I look around, the carpet was black and colorful confetti, there was a bouncy house and a bouncy house slide that came out from the wall, I see remnants of some play places and jungle gyms and an entrance to the play place, I see a table and a food stand, I see a restroom and head over to it, after I'm done, I start heading over to the entrance.

" Jeez I can't believe I'm doing this," I say, I step on the steps and walk in, I start following the hall and start climbing on the kid structures, I crawl through the colorful play place, I look through the netting.

" Jeez this is going to be a lot bigger than I thought it was," I say, I look around and already get lost from the entrance I went in, I wander around the play place, crawling through rubber foam and plastic tunnels and on kids' structures and scaffolding. I crawl through the playground, I step off a platform and can stand up, I look around, seeing swinging punching bags and other obstacles, I push them out of the way and start moving through the obstacles, I step on a spinning cylinder floor and see foam blocks underneath me, I balance myself on it, trying to not make it spin so much, I jump to the other side of the platform and continue walking, I see a slide and I start sliding down,

" I just hope this doesn't lead me back to the pool rooms again," I say, I start sliding and quickly stop, I get up and fall in a ball pit, I look around the dark and netted room and start walking through, the sound of the plastic balls hit each other as I move, the ball pit goes to my calves, I step out and start walking down the playful path. I notice that the kid-like scaffolding starts stopping and large colorful crochet play structures start to appear tied to the scaffolding of the play place. I look up and see a banner that says " RopeLand" I step on the yarn and watch the structure squish down with my weight, it was firm and sturdy but also still squishing down, I walk through the big colorful room and find an entryway that moves up into a split path, I go right and follow up the path. I see crochet steps to help me get up to the room, I walk in and see hanging yarn balls, I walk over and push them. I see a large sack with three yarn ladders leading up to it, I climb on it and see where the sack leads, I crawl into a tunnel and start sliding down into a bigger room. I get up and see multiple holes in the room, I start crawling inside of them and see multiple rooms with holes, I start crawling through one and start going through a tight tunnel, I get claustrophobic and start hurrying out of it before my anxiety kicks in. I fall out of the tunnel into another room with many holes in it, I crawl in one and slide down to a bigger room. I cough and look up, a big red and black pathway going up and a couple crochet pillars in the room, I step up on the pathway and make my way up to a red and black patterned heptagon crotched room, I step in one of the holes in the room and start sliding down, I start crawling in the claustrophobic crawlspace and roam around. Small crochet pillars held up the bottom flooring, I crawled through the tunnels and found a hole going into a more colorful open room. I step in and see more of the hanging crochet balls. I see a bigger room down a few levels through the netting, I start jumping down the holes and through the few layers of the flooring in the room I was into the bigger room. I jump into the bigger room and look behind me and see a big glob of the crochet room I just went through. I see a couple more tunnels form out of it and a couple hanging crochet balls as well,

" God all this moving is getting me tired and my throat a little parched," I say, I walk through the big open room and see a hole leading to a tunnel in the middle of the room, I crawl in and start crawling through the tight tunnel, I follow the tunnel and it doesn't seem to lead into any other rooms, I keep following it and crawling to ending up crawling with my arms and pushing on the walls with my feet, I start getting tired and stop to catch my breath, I start to keep moving but I'm a lot more slower and tired getting through the tunnel, I start sliding down the tunnel and onto some black mats.

" Ow," I say, I get up and look around, I start walking down a big short hall with six pillars that were covered with an orange protective matting, I walk out of the hall and see a giant room filled with trampolines. I walk down a staircase onto some hard floor and start wandering around the place, I step up onto a platform with the trampolines, I hop along to get a better view of the place, I start jumping around exploring and see many floors made up of trampolines and orange protective matting around it, I see diagonal trampolines again the walls. I start getting off the trampolines and explore the place on the hard ground, mostly entryways and stairs leading over to more trampolines, I see a green exit sign pointing left up ahead in front of me. I rush over and follow it, I walk up a staircase and see a large foam pit with orange and gray foam cubes, I see a hallway at the other end of the foam pit with a green exit sign next to it, I jump in and start walking and crawling in the foam pit to get to the other side. I struggle to be able to move through the foam cubes, I start getting halfway through the foam pit, I start noticing that the further I go the deeper I start to sink into it, my entire leg gets covered by the cubes and I start sinking into it,

" Crap, I'm sinking... I'm so close... I can reach it... shit.." I say, I take a deep breath and get fully submerged into the foam pit, I start crawling in through the pit and sticking my hand out, I feel a hard surface and I start crawling towards the top, I feel the last cube above my hand and I start grabbing onto other cubes, I pull myself out and grab onto the floor, I breathe heavily for air, I pull myself out of the foam pit and lay on the floor, I close my eyes for a moment and breathe slowly, I get up and figured I was missing something.

" ...SHIT MY CAMERA!" I shout, I rush over to the edge of the foam pit and stick my hand in the foam cubes, rustling them around to feel for my camera, I lay on my stomach to get a little deeper, I feel the edge of something hard.

" Come on..." I say, I grip it with my finger and pull it out,

" Yes!" I say, I get up and hold my camera, I start walking towards the hall and walk down it, it leads me back to the play place structures,

" You've got to be kidding me," I say, I step in and start climbing the structures, I step inside a large yellow plastic tunnel and follow, I look out a round window and see other structures and different colored tunnels. I turn and keep following the tunnel, I walk into a large blue plastic room with a round connected seat in the middle, I walk around it and start going back into the tunnel, I crawl through the tunnel and see a couple slide entrances and another way into the tunnel. I go down a slide and it leads me back into another part of the play place leading to other slides and into more structures, I start going down a different slide and it was longer than the first one, it takes me to a similar play place as the one before, I go through the tunnel and walk down the structures, I see another slide and go down it, the slide goes down for a while, I start sliding in different directions, the slide feels like it's endless. I start getting a little drowsy going down the slide, I fade in and out of wake and sleep, I start falling asleep going down the slide. I wake up at the end of the slide, I get up and grab my camera, I adjust my backpack and look around, I see a pink slide with a couple cardboard messages on it, one said " Kitty's House" and the other said 'Entry" on it,

" Kitty's house?" I whisper under my breath, I walk up to the slide and start sliding down.

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