I hear rustling around in a dark room, I walk slowly over to the entrance, I walk in and see a giant glowing sinister smiley face, its eye's glowing a fluorescent white and its teeth were sharp, just smiling. I couldn't make out the looks of its body, it was too dark, it was sniffing the body of the person who was driving the car. It quickly looks over to me and stares, I don't dare move a muscle.
" Ok, shit, this is a bad situation here, it's probably a staring contest, maybe it's like a dinosaur thing, if I don't move, it can't see me," I think to myself, then I am reminded of that message on the wall and the howler chasing me,
" Damn it... trap or not, either way, I panicked, I'm not about to the double crossed by a trap message on the wall, and especially not with something like that chasing me, but now that's in the past I have a bigger situation here," I think to myself, it goes quiet, the only thing that I'm able to hear are the lights and the entity breathing. Me and the entity lock eyes, I'm sweating and my legs start shaking, my breathing stutters quietly, the entity looks back at the body, I slowly move my leg back where I came from, the entity quickly looks back at me.
" Shit! I just need to get out of line of sight with this thing and get out of here," I think to myself, the entity looks back at the body again and I shift my other leg back, I'm almost out of the door, I'm just poking the light from my legs to the room, the entity looks back at me again, it grows closer slowly, right in front of me.
" Don't freak out! Don't freak out!! DON'T FREAK OUT!!!" I think to myself, I don't move an inch, the entity breathes on me, sniffing me, the entity starts shifting, like it's almost glitching, it's mouth opens and its entire head starts shaking vigorously, I start sweating, it stops and looks at the body it was sniffing earlier, it goes over to it and starts eating it.
" Now's my chance!" I say, I slowly walk backwards away from the entity,
" Do you wish to share your progress with more people?" The auto generated voice goes off on my phone, the entity looks back.
" SHIT! NOW I'M PANICKING!" I shout in my head, I start running, hearing the roars from the entity echo throughout the dark room, I run into a darker room and hide beside the entrance hall because the room was too small and it was rectangular, it was on the right to the wall from the entrance to the bloody room and the lobby room with the crashed car while the room with the body and the entity were near the back left entrance on the back wall, I hear the entity stop in the room with the blood, I turn my brightness down and lower my volume on my phone, I put it in my pocket and cover my mouth with my hands. I hear the breathing from the entity outside of the room with the blood, it seems to be hesitant to go into the light, I hear it grow closer to the small room I was in. The breathing gets louder and louder, I start shaking, I can see the glow brighten and reflect off of the dark yellow wall from the entrance, I tuck myself into the corner from the entrance inside the room, I see the teeth peer in and slightly see the eyes, thank god I was wearing black. The entity sniffs the room and looks a little over to the side that I was at and sniffs, I stop breathing and shake more. The entity walks out from the entrance and turns back, I hear shuffling grow more distant, I peek out and see the entity go back into the room where the body was. I tiptoed out of the bloody room into the light and ran out of the room. After I feel enough to a safe distance I slow down and catch my breath, leaning against the wall and putting my hand on my chest to calm my anxiety and feel my heartbeat.
" *Huff*... *Huff*... Shit... that was close, I should be more cautious while going into a dark room now," I say, I calm down and carry on my way, I look around the area, just a regular lobby area with randomly segmented walls and hallways and rooms, I move throughout the place, I notice on the wall some drawings, things like the word fun spelt out a few times and a drawing of the sun with a smiley face, and an arrow pointing to a right saying exit, and above the arrow says THe EnD is NEaR written messy and without pronunciation.
" The End is near," I read, I squinted at the drawings and the writing. I go the opposite way from the arrows because I don't trust anything that is written on the walls. I walked down a slightly darker hallway that only led to a few bright lights, a few pillars in the hall aligned, and a broken office chair on the ground with a couple empty boxes. I walk in a thin intersection on the wall into a darker room with scattered pillars around the room, it gets brighter the more I walk past the big room, the rooms next to it are dark, I see a slight bit of an entity walk my one of the dark rooms, I stop and tiptoe away from the direction the entity went in. The lobby area was way more dark then how the backrooms are normally brighter, I hear a strange fan like noise around the lobby area, I follow it to try to see where it is, I listen to see where it's louder around the lobby, I follow where it's louder down a hall, I see some brightness up in a room and some shadows moving. I stop and hesitate for a moment, I slowly walk towards the room and see the cause of the noise, it was a red inflatable tube man blowing up and down in the middle of the room, I place my hand on my chest and sigh of relief.

The Backrooms
HorrorIt was like it happened out of thin air, like the moment I was there then gone in the next. Like I fell through the ground, where am I? How can I get out? What lies ahead in this barren "abandoned" world? And what waits for me?... *wake up* *Wake U...