" Oh, gray carpet this time, let's hope it's not too similar to the first place I was at," I say, I walk down the short hall, I walk into a big empty room, the walls had windows that were even and covered three fourths of the space of the walls in the room. The windows were bright, so bright in fact I couldn't see outside, it's just like they were just extra lights.
" Ok? Where am I now, looks like some sort of building? An abandoned office? Oh well, I just hope I can get out of this place soon," I say, I walk in the open room and walk towards a window.
" It's just white, I wonder where I am," I say, I look around the room, there isn't much, the buzz hum from the lights is dimmer than what the first place had, the carpet still smelled bad though, I walk towards a door, I push it open. I walked into a small narrow hall into a bigger room filled with empty abandoned cubicle offices, around were mixtures of old 90's technology with modern day technology. Computers that were like boxes, worn down by turning into a creamy color instead of pure white, were old models of Microsoft. And modern flat screen tv's mounted on the walls and pillars above the cubicle offices, I walk around, not seeing much but similarities of the offices, mainly a computer, a pc under it, a keyboard and mouse, and a few other accessories like paper holders, filing cabinets, etc. It looked like a normal business office but was completely abandoned. Apart from the cubicle offices there was a small darkened open lobby area with couches and a tv. I walk towards a door that was facing the lobby area, I open it and see more cubicle offices, I see a front desk and go towards it. There was a bell on the desk,
" Nope, I'm not ringing that, I don't want to risk alerting any entities," I say, I walked to the back of the desk, an old computer and a couple drawers that I couldn't open, I see a sign on the wall that says front office, I try to open the door but it's locked, the windows were covered by a blind. I walk away from the front desk and look around my surroundings, a lot of the same cubicle offices from the ones in the offices, I walk past them because they all look the same, I walk into a small open hall then turn to a right from there, there was a wide short hall with a fake Christmas tree with no ornaments or decorations on it, and next to it was a curtain blind covering a window. I walk up to the Christmas tree.
" What the hell? Heh, ok then, it doesn't get any weirder in this place than this," I chuckle to myself, I walk towards another door that was at the dead-end next to the curtain. I open it and see a big empty room with my cubicle offices in it. There was trash and broken items scattered around the floor of the room, layed out chairs near walls and a singular wooden desk.
" Jesus, what happened around here?" I ask myself, I walk around the room and so up to the office chairs, I spin it out of boredom and carry on my way. I walk out the messy room into a cleaner one. There were four maroon chairs around a wooden coffee table. I walked over to it and sat down for a minute to let my legs rest.
" Ahh that's better, I have to let my legs rest up from all the walking I've been doing, it seems like this place isn't ridden by entities but who knows I probably just haven't run into them yet," I say to myself.
" ...heh maybe I'm just losing it, I don't even know how long I've been here... I'm talking to myself, I wish there was another person to talk to though... I don't even know if I can get out of here, I mean if an entity doesn't kill me, my own body will, I'm hungry, I only been feening on water, I- I wanna go back home, to the real home," I rant to myself, I set the camera down on the coffee table, still recording. I sit on the chair for a moment, letting my legs rest and thinking, thinking of what to do, how to get out, thinking about home and my friends and my girlfriend, I grab my phone out of my pocket.
" Hey honey... I know your not getting these, I miss you so much, I couldn't even imagine how you must feel right now, and when it happened, I hope you haven't gotten over me, I still love you so much, I really want to see you, to feel your soft skin, hear your gentle voice, I miss it, and I miss you, I love you honey... I'll try to get out... I know I can get out," I text her, I stare at the message, hoping for it to send but it doesn't like the other ones. I stand up and grab my camera, I walk into a segmented hallway, I open a wooden door, inside was what looked like a meeting room. I walk around it, looking at the organized chairs placed around the brown table. There wasn't much, just a couple tv's, a projector from the ceiling, and something that caught my attention was what looked like a power rig in the corner on the wall. I walk towards it and look at it for a moment.
" I don't know what this does, but I surely don't want to lose my chance to have any light in this place, let alone if I break it I don't know how to fix a power rig," I say, I close the glass caging to the rig then I walk out.
" Man, this is so boring, I'm just doing the same thing over and over, just walking around exploring, and when I don't understand anything I just leave it, like I have anything better to do, I've been trying to find an exit to this place ever since I got here, and I don't even know how long I've been in here to begin with, ugh this is frustrating," I rant, I try opening the other doors that were in the claustrophobic hall but they don't budge. I walk up to a personal space room, it was empty, there were multiple, not like a cubicle office, but actual rooms that connected but were spaces for workers, I step in the room and keep moving straight, there were about three rooms that were empty before I reached the end of the wall, from how many here were I was getting worried.
" Oh no, don't tell me this is going to be a maze," I say, I keep walking down the rooms, until I reach a dead end then go into the open direction that was leading,
" Shit, what have I gotten myself into, I'm never going to get out of here," I say, it seems like I've been walking down in these rooms for minutes, I've lost all sense of direction that I've come from, I just keep moving forward. I walk past a room, then I step back in it, I've noticed something. I walk in it to see only shelves at the end of the room on the wall, I walk back out because it wasn't anything very special, but it was a start of something new here. I kept walking down in the direction I was headed in, I turn and it was different, it was just a normal hallway, and there was a door at the end of the hallway.
" Finallyyy something new, god I feel like I've been in here for ages," I say, I walk up to the door and open it, I walk down the staircase and then in a creepy looking basement.
" Is this a basement? Jeez its freaky in here," I say, the place looked like it had water damage, the walls were peeling and there was a kind of mold around the edge of the wall on the bottom and on the carpet, and the smell was awful, I notice some filing cabinets and boxes near the wall from the staircase, they also looked water damaged, I don't bother with them because if there was anything inside it would be ruined or extremely gross and probably moldy. I walk around the basement, and down a small hall that was down there and walk up to another door, I open the door and lead up another staircase. I open the door that is at the top and immediately feel a rush of uncomfortableness and unsettlement, eerie, and anxiety, in front of me was a dark hall.
" B-but do I have to? Jeez it's like a nightmare come true, I guess I have no choice or I end up back in maze hell over there at the other staircase to the basement... damn it," I whisper, I turn my flashlight on to my phone and start slowly walking down the hall without trying to cause any type of disturbance to the environment, at the end of the hall and a thumbtack board and picture frames with people but their eye are covered with black pencil, I see a glimpse of light in the corner of my eye as I look at the objects. It was another green exit sign with a person trying to reach a door and an arrow pointing right, I speed up my pace a little and follow the sign but make sure I am still careful so I don't cause a disturbance, I walk into a bigger room, and see a couple front desks, and a hallway beaming red with an exit sign.
" Oh thank god, " I whisper, I quickly walk past the front desks and down the red hallway to open the door and see what was on the other side.

The Backrooms
HorrorIt was like it happened out of thin air, like the moment I was there then gone in the next. Like I fell through the ground, where am I? How can I get out? What lies ahead in this barren "abandoned" world? And what waits for me?... *wake up* *Wake U...