Level 16 - Missing Person

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           My girlfriend wakes up and checks her phone, looking at all the messages she's sent to me, she sighs and sets it down to the end of her bed. She gets up and walks out of her room,

" Morning dad..." she says, she walks into the kitchen and grabs a pan, a grater, and potatoes.

" Morning, any news on Jayden yet?" her dad asks,

" No..." she says,

" Don't worry, he'll show up eventually, the authorities just have to find him," her dad says,

" Yeah... I'm just so worried, I mean where could he have gone? I mean I've been texting him but they aren't even being read, it's like there's no trace of him anywhere," she says,

" Well, did anything happen between you two?" her dad asks,

" No, and like I've said before, he texted me the day right before he went missing, he said that he'd see me at school and I think we were going to hang out that weekend," she explains, she grabs a plate and sticks her hash browns on it, she walks over to the living room and sits on the couch. The news comes on,

" Well let's see if they have any more updates on him," her dad says,

" Report of the missing high school teenage boy named Jayden that went missing almost three months ago from the Oakland district still remains missing, authorities have been trying their best looking for Jayden but still have no lead on where he could have gone, the family states that he was on his way to school to his school bus at the end of the neighborhood but didn't even show up to school or back home after that, authorities have been stating that it could not have been a run away but a probable kidnapping at most because there are no leads that the boy could have ran away from home, they have been investigating buses, trains and even airports to see if Jayden could have gone out of state, officials even out of state are looking for the boy but have currently not found anything, there have been missing person posters set almost everywhere across the state especially near the Oakland district and a couple districts next to it, so was Jayden kidnapped? Or is he still missing and just ran away from home? Or could it be something else that we just don't know about?" the news reporter explains.

"...Kidnapped?..." my girlfriend says,

" Well if could be a possibility I mean if there really is no trace of him running away it's the best thing they have so far," her dad says,

" Who could do such a thing?..." she asks,

" Anyone," her dad says, she finished her hash browns and goes and sets her plate in the sink, she goes to her room and changes,

" Hey dad, I'm going to go pay his family a visit," she says,

" Ok just don't be gone long, if it was a kidnapping I don't want you to be the next and you still have chores to do around the house," her dad explains,

" Ok," she says, she gets on her bike and heads down to the neighborhood, she rides past my house and down to the end of the neighborhood, she gets off her bike and looks around but doesn't find anything, she steps on the sidewalk where I no-clipped but she doesn't fall through. She stares at the bus stop for a minute before getting on her bike and riding over to my house, she gets off the bike and knocks, my grandma opens the door,

" Hey!" my grandma says,

" Hi!" my girlfriend says, she comes in and down to the living room, my dogs bark but eventually go quiet,

" Anything on Jayden?" my girlfriend asks,

" No, nothing..." my grandma says,

" So I'm guessing you saw the news?" my girlfriend says,

" Yeah, it's so sad, they say it could have been a possible kidnapping, but they don't even know if that's true, he hasn't had any trouble here at home so he couldn't have ran away, did he tell you anything about it?" my grandma asks,

" No, the last thing I remember him telling me is that we were going to hang out that weekend and he texted me that morning but then he just disappeared after that and is not answering my texts or calls," my girlfriend explains.

" Yeah, he hasn't been picking us up either," my grandma says,

" Well, I should start heading back home, I just wanted to check up and I have chores to do anyway," my girlfriend says,

" Oh ok, well we'll see ya, and we'll let you know if he turns up," my grandma says,

" Ok, well I'll get going now, see you guys later," my girlfriend says,

" *Sigh* Jayden... where are you?..." My girlfriend asks, she starts riding back to her house.

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