Level 28 - This Is My Home Now...

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          I've walked for what seems like hours, I feel like I'm about to pass out, I can barely lift my legs and keep my eyes open, I keep my hand on the pillar, a machinery like sound echoes throughout the white void. Like the sound of when I walked in those white halls with the windows and exit signs everywhere, I hear it for a while, like the sound of machinery clanking on something. I fall onto the steps, trying not to slip, my hands and arms shake as I try to reach up for a step, I grab onto it and pull myself up, I sit and rest my back on the pillar. I grab my backpack and pull out a Mtn Dew, I breathe heavily while my eyes try to stay open, I look up and stick my hand out to the white void. I stick it back down,

" ...I have to face it... I may never get out of here... I probably may never see my home ever again, not my friends, family, or my girlfriend... Who knows how long I may have left anyways staying in this condition, I can sustain myself for only such a limited amount of time before I may end up dying here... as much as I don't want to say it or have to face it... this is my home now... I've lost all hope at this point...I'm never going to see my real home but this is now where I live, this is the reality I'm going to have to face, and this is going to have to be my home now... I've pretty much accepted it now, that this is now my home..." I say, tears start coming down my face and I sit on the step for a while, listening to the windy ambiance and the machinery noises and auditory guideposts echo into the void. I get up and start walking, many thoughts go into my head, both positive and negative, half of me saying keep going and the other half telling me just to give up at this point. I keep walking up slowly, looking down at the staircase, and keeping one hand in my pocket while I hold my camera, a low battery warning starts blinking on my camera. I look up and feel like I see something up ahead, like an entrance to a dark room or the top of the staircase, I start rushing as fast as I can, which isn't as fast because of how tired I was, I get closer to it and see another oval shaped hole in the ground and the staircase rising up to it, I walk up in the dark room and step off of the staircase, I look back and see the white void one last time, I look up and still see the staircase rise up and go into another diagonal oval shaped hole in the ceiling to the white void. I turn around and see a dark room lead to a dark lobby area, I turn around,

" Hm, do I wanna try going back onto the staircase and probably find the top and possibly miss my chance to find new things here, or do I want to explore the darkness and see what I can find," I think to myself, I start walking into the dark, taking out my phone and using it for a flashlight, it looks like the regular backrooms, but all the lights are turned off. I look around, shining my flashlight around to get a good look at the place.

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