Level 19 - Subliminal Horrors

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           I walk in the dark room and can barely see anything, I put my camera on night vision mode and look around. I walk into an entryway and see a silver ladder that leads down into a pool. There was a small square tunnel and the water didn't look as deep as the last tunnel I went through so I kept my backpack on, I crouched down and looked through my camera to see where I was going. I stand back up once I reach the other side and start going up a small staircase to got out of the pool, I look through the camera and see a white door, I walk towards it and open it, insider was a large square pool and three big pipe filters and a wet floor sign and a white pool lounge chair on the other side of the pool. There was a door near the chair, I walked around the pool and opened the door and saw a large dark submerged area, I started walking through and started getting sick of having to look through my camera so I grabbed my phone and turned my flashlight on. I see a lot better and start walking through the dark pool rooms, I hear some sort of glitch like growl behind me, I turn around and see a smiler behind me, it starts roaring and I start running away from it.

" Come on, this is the worst time to have a smiler chase me right now!" I shout, I end up going through the same thin plus shaped pillars again but instead it was dark, I look back and see the smiler glow and go in different directions to try to confuse me. I hear the splashing of the smiler behind me and I start to get into a different area away from the pillars, I see some cylinder shaped pillars and a staircase, I see the smiler closing in so I rush up towards the staircase, I look back and see the smiler start catching up at the end of the staircase, I see some light peer ahead and I skip a few steps to try to get away from it faster. I get to the top step and run, I see the smiler get to the top floor and I see a slight silhouette of the body of the smiler, a large beast with black fur that mainly an on all fours but could stand up on its two hind legs, kind of a werewolf like body, I run towards the light and almost trip off an edge into the water, I get on dry land and get to a safe distance away from the dark, I see the smiler catch up and stop when it reaches the light, it grips its hand on the wall and I see long sharp claws coming from the hand, it scratches the wall and fades into the darkness. I cough for a minute and hear my stomach rumble,

" Damn it, I hope this doesn't get too bad, it's kind of hard to find food here unless I kill a smiler but I don't have a trap for it so how would I kill it then," I say, I look around and see that the tiles changed from white to a navy bluish color, I walk under a low ceiling held by square pillars, I walk into a tall thin hall that looked like the walls were a dark cement with a couple blue tinted lights on the ceiling, I walk into a large room with the lights with a more tinted blue hue and the water was dark with the navy blue tiles. The water hits to my calves and I wander around the area, into a couple different rooms, I look back and feel like I saw something peek through an entryway, I start walking again and hear something splash behind me, I turn around and see a dark tall entity with long arms that had deformed extra limbs on its arms and an extra limb on its leg and another set of arms below the main arm pieces. The entity stands at the entryway, I stare at it, the entity howls and starts moving all sporadic before running towards me,

" Fuck!" I shout, I turn around and start running down the hall into a room, I look back and see the entity's dark silhouette in the dark hall be lit up by the lights in the room, the entity was right behind me, I run into another dark hallway and turn to a right into some different rooms. I run up to a room but immediately leave because it was a dead end, the entity catches up to the room I was in, I run into multiple rooms but the entity is still on my tail, I run into a room and see another entity in the room, this one had four legs, and more arm limbs and disformed extra limbs on itself than the other one, it starts chasing me as well and I start running down a hall, I look back and see the two entities struggle keeping up with me because they push each other trying to get to me. I reach a dead end but can climb up a wall to reach a high platform, I place my legs and arms on the opposite sides of the walls and slowly start climbing up, I hear the entities get closer so I hurry it up a bit, I almost slip but get a good grip of the platform, I lift myself up and see the entities struggle below me trying to reach me.

" *Huff* *huff* Why do these entities look so disformed and weird? Especially in this pool area," I say, I crawl down the tunnel the platform reached and make it to a safer room, I start walking down the brighter hallway and see a slight bit of purple glow up ahead. I step out of the water and see a running escalator and stairs next to it and more purple glow at the top, I take the escalator up and follow the purple glow. To the right I see a strangely shaped pool with railings around it and some pool tubes stacked in a corner and a couple in the pool and a look through the balcony to see the bottom of the escalator and water below. I look out the windows and see the blue sky and strangely shaped exterior buildings made up from white tiles, I walk out of the short room and walk down a set of stairs with plants planted next to the stairs and a hallway illuminating more purple glow, I walk into the room and see the same looking spiral staircase with the pillar in the middle going up but this time there is no tunnel half submerged into water, it's just the spiral staircase. I walk up it and see a door, I open it and see a neatly organized room with comfortable chairs and a pool and hot tub in the room and a tv, I turn the tv on but all there is was static. I sit down for a moment and charge my camera, I take my clothes off and go for a swim, I climb out of the pool and walk into the hot tub to relax, I end up shortly passing out while listening to the quiet toned tv static. I wake up and check my camera battery.

" Forty three percent, hm I can wait a little longer until it reaches fifty," I say, I open my phone and look through my messages, thinking about my girlfriend. I start falling in and out of sleep, I check my camera and see that the battery has gone up to fifty one percent, I grab the camera and stick my charger in my bag, I grab my Mtn Dew and finish it before I throw it in the empty small trash can next to the table next ot the chairs. I get up and turn the tv off, I walk out the comfy room and into a room with a yellow slide and another spiral staircase, I walk up the staircase and follow down a hall with plants and big tropical leaves attached to the ceiling. I walk out and see that I have made it to the exterior of the poolrooms, big house shaped entryways were across a big pool, I walk beside the pool on my side and look at the house shaped entryways on my side of the pool. The pool gets more shallow and diagonal shaped pillars held up two giant walls on each side of the pool, I look up at the blue sky, and take in the fresh breeze, I start walking again and walk down a large pathway with two pools on each side of the pathway with support beams going across the top of the walls, leaving mostly an empty space above to see out of. I walk into a hall and step in the water, I follow down the hall to a bigger room with pillars on dry platform keeping up a big wall I was under, I decide to go back inside to see if there's anything else to look for, even though it was short winded, at least I got to see the blue sky. I walk inside and see a pool room with short palm trees and some plants and pillars. I walk past it into a large room with a lot of small square holes reaching wall to wall and a really high rectangular tunnel near the top of the ceiling and a couple pillars scattered across the room neatly. I walk over to a staircase at one of the corners of the room and walk to a second floor, I step in a short hall and walk into a really large room, I follow the railings to a platform to get across to the other side, the platform was above water and I could jump in the water from the distance, I look around and see the same platforms go on for a while and some are supported my pillars.

" Woah," I say, I walk across and step inside a short tunnel and walk into a bright room with even square pools and pillars placed around, I walk past them and step into a big room with a large thick pillar in the water and thin square holes to the brighter room, I step in the water and look around, I see a dark room from the left when I walked in and I look around some more, I hear some rustling and see a large dark entity with spider like legs start to form out the dark room.

" Oh... Shit..." I say, I start running away from it and hear it howl and high pitched roar, for an entity its size it was kind of slow but was still manageable to catch up to me.

" What the hell is that thing!" I shout, I run into a large room with the same square shaped holes on the walls, I see a green exit sign and start running towards it, I run past a couple large deep holes in the pool and onto dry flooring. I look back and see the entity slip into the hole but quickly gets back out, I run down the hall and see a red slide up ahead and the green exit sign above it pointing down to the slide, I rush over to it and start getting into it, the entity catches up into the room and I slide down, I see the entity crash into the slide but it's too big to be able to fit inside, I sigh of relief and see where the slide takes me.

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