I walk towards the only lit up light, it flickers. I look at the big wooden double doors, I open them and see a dark hallway with a little light at the end. I head in and hear the doors close behind me, I slowly walk down the dark hall, the more I walk down towards the light, the more I recognize things, I walk up and see a big square hole in the ceiling, and the singular light and the staircase and the kitchen and dark living room.
" Wait a minute... I've been here before, heh so this entire time if I walked down that dark hallway I would have reached those doors," I say, I muster up the courage and walk into the dark living room, I don't see much, it was the same since I've last seen it, I walk up towards the door in the living room and try to open it, it was locked.
" Hm, so much for that," I say, I walk out of the dark living room and start heading up the stairs,
" I hope this doesn't take me back to that windows level," I say, I walk up the stairs and see no door at the top of the staircase but a light similar to the one at the bottom of the stairs, I walk up and see the same room but it was a closed room instead of there being a large dark hallway.
" Wait a minute, I hope this isn't a looping thing," I say, I start walking up the second staircase and see the same similar lighting, I walk up and see a gray couch in the middle of the room this time,
" Oh ok, well that's a change," I say, I walk up to the couch and feel it, I start going to walk up the third set of stairs. I walk up and see a small hallway with the same big wooden double doors, I walk up to them and open them, I hear them squeak as I open them, I see the bright mono yellowness everywhere,
" Oh jeez, here we go," I say, I walk out and look to my left and see a long hallway and a few doors, I look the other side and see a thin rectangular hole split down in the middle of the wall, I walk up to it and peak through the thin gap,
" Wait... no way... I've been here too, from when I first showed up here... I saw this thin split gap down the wall in that darker hallway, I wondered what was on the other side, well it looks like I've made it," I say, I look down the big hallway, I look at the doors on the walls and see the green exits signs above them, they all point down the hallway, I walk up to one and open it, I recognize the white walled hall and step in, I walk up and see the familiar metal like walls and warning signs and exit signs and infinite hall openings.
" So... if I had just jumped the gap I would have made it here a long time ago?" I say, I walk back and open the door, I go and open another door and see The Hub.
" What- but... ok..." I say, I look above the door in The Hub and see a green exit sign on it, I close the door and walk up to another one, I open it and see those large square shaped holes on the ground when I fell through one, I squint my eye and walk back out of the room and start walking down the hallway, my legs hurt, my feet hurt, I feel like I'm about to pass out, I've been walking this whole time ever since I've gotten here it feels like my legs are going to snap, my eyes sting and are really heavy, I see multiple rows of square lights that lead down the large hallway. I've walked down it for what feels like an eternity, I see a darker part of the hallway up ahead, I rush towards it and see that the lights were off in the hall, I could see the brighter part of the hall at the end but it looks so far away.
" Come on... when will this end..." I say, I hear a rumbling sound and feel vibrations behind me, I start seeing the wall come closer to me really fast,
" WHAT THE HELL!" I shout, I start running but the wall catches up to me so fast, the wall catches up to me and starts pushing me.
" WOAH!" I shout, I hang on the wall like one of those zero gravity rides at an amusement park, I see the brighter hallway come closer and the speed of the wall slows down, I carefully fling off the wall and onto the floor.
" Jeez, I'm surprised that didn't kill me," I say, I get up and start walking down the brighter hall again.
" I'm so tired... my legs are killing me... and this light is starting to irritate my eyes and I'm getting sick of hearing that hum buzz in my ears," I say, I see something up ahead at the end of the hallway, I walk up to it, seeing it get closer, I manage to each it and look around, it looked like a big library, an empty library. Big bold words spelt out "THE END is NEaR" I look around and see multiple empty wooden bookshelves,
" The End is near..." I whisper, a gray and wooden pillar holding up the wall that had the message had a yellow "For Sale" sign on it, I hear a cat meow, I look over and see it laying on a pillow on a couch, I walk over to it and sit on the couch with it,
" Hey little guy, how did you get here, you smell like catnip, I see that you're on a pillow," I say, I lift up the cat and the pillow sticks to the cat,
" Oh... I wasn't expecting that," I say, I place the cat back down on the couch, it immediately gets up off of the pillow and sits towards me and meows,
" Heh, little trickster," I say, I start petting the cat and it purrs,
" Do you belong here little guy? I'm guessing you're an entity of serotonin and comfort then for mental help," I say, the cat meows at me, the cat returns to its pillow, I start hearing more meows and look around the room, many cats with pillows start appearing and start surrounding the room.
" Uh oh, I hope I didn't cause too much of this," I say, I get up and look back at the cat,
" I'm going to call you a Catpillow," I say, I pet the cat one more time and hear it purr, I walk away and look around and see a dark entrance in the corner of the library, I walk towards it and step inside, I see multiple bookshelves scattered around the dark room, and a flickering light at the end of the room, I start walking down the dark room and towards the flickering light, two pillars held up the room near the flickering light, I walk past the scattered bookshelves and in front of the flickering light. I look to my right and see another big library room, I step in and see a similar message on the wall but this time it spelt out " THE END" on it.
" Oh my god... I did it... I made it to the end..." I say, I step inside the room and see a curved desk with an old computer on it, I walk up to it and see some strange files and popups, I get off the computer and look around, I see many rows of empty wooden bookshelves and four pillars around the room keeping the room up, I hear a phone ring that was on the desk with the computer, I walk up to it and pick it up.
" Hello?" I say, I hear no answer and put the phone back down, I start walking down the middle of the room, going by and looking through the empty bookshelves, I hear a clicking noise behind me, I look back and see a tall entity with a long neck and long arms and fingers in one of the bookshelves. I blink and it goes away, I turn back around and keep walking down the open path in the middle of the room, I hear the clicking again and turn around, I see the entity in the corner of my eye and it is getting closer, I blink again and it disappears. I start running and hear the clicking happen again I look behind me and see it in the corner of my eye peeking out of one of the back pillars before disappearing when it reaches out of my eyesight, I hear the clicking again and see the entity at the closer pillar that I just passed, I look ahead and see a wooden door and a couch next to it with a green exit sign pointing right. I slow down and look around, I don't see the entity anywhere, I look back at the door and hear the clicking again, I see the entity standing behind a bookshelves, I look away for a second and it disappears. I walk up to the door and turn the handle, I hear the clicking again and see the entity almost right next to me looking at me behind one of the bookshelves, I open the door and walk though, I hear the door close behind me and I see a hallway to my right, I walk down it, almost dragging my feet, I'm so tired I could just pass out on the floor, my face shows the many horrors I've been through, and I've almost completely lost my sanity, and my face proves it, my eyes hang wide and my mouth rests open, I walk down a couple steps and see a hollow metal door in front of me, I see a green exit sign above it pointing down at the door, I look up at it and back at the door, I walk up to the door, my hands shake, I push the door open, a big force and vibration starts happening all around me, I start stepping through and it gets stronger, I fully step out and it stops, I walk down a small staircase, seeing the bright strong yellow light up the darkness and the staircase, I look up,
" No..." I say.

The Backrooms
TerrorIt was like it happened out of thin air, like the moment I was there then gone in the next. Like I fell through the ground, where am I? How can I get out? What lies ahead in this barren "abandoned" world? And what waits for me?... *wake up* *Wake U...