*Thunk* I hit the ground, the roaring above me stops, I get up and look up to see a big dark square hole peering from the ceiling, the entity nowhere to be seen. I look around and check my environment.
" I'm glad that thing doesn't like the light," I say, I walk around the dim area, pillars somewhat scattered around the lobby, I walk into the light a little more, I walk around the brighter lobby and notice a slanted hall going down, I go down it and look around and see a big room with a gray couch in the back corner, I walk towards it and sit down for a moment.
" Finally something comfortable to sit on," I say. I rested for a minute, checking my phone, of course nothing worked but what did I have to lose? I get up and walk down the hall straight in front of me, I notice something to my left, a tinted window and a door with green stripes at the bottom, the walls were different too, like some sort of soundproofing foam walls. I walk over to it, my hand shakes, I slowly go and open the door, I step in and look around, this place looks completely different than what the complex normally looks like, almost like it was man made. The floor was tile, there was a desk and a computer on the other side of the tinted window inside, a few large pc's and more electrical stuff, I walked over to a locker and opened it. Inside had a strange yellow suit, I took it out and looked at it and read the label on it, "Async".
" Async? I recognize that name, I don't know where though-" I say, the alarm goes off, I look around and rush over to the computer, I press space and the alarm go off,
" I hope I didn't just get myself in trouble," I say, I close the door that leads into the complex and lock the door, I sit in the office chair and mess around with the computer a little bit, a ray of cameras show,
" Wait, cameras? Since when has this place has cameras, and why is that name so familiar, Async, Async, god where have I heard that name from before, anyways, finally somewhere where I feel safe and comfortable for once," I say, an idea pops in my head, I walk out of the room and rush over back to where I saw that couch. I find the room and run over to it, I lift up one end of it and start dragging it, I look back and see that another copy of the same couch respawned back at the exact same spot as the couch I was dragging from.
" I- what? How does that work? You know what, it doesn't matter I've experienced weirder stuff in this place than this,: I say, it's hard doing it on carpet and I have to get it up a small step and down a hall, but then it's just straight and dead ahead, I get it to the step and place the end on the top step, I go back and lift the back end of the couch and push it forward so the gravity keeps it level, I push it down the hall until I find the room again, I stop and catch my breath, I open the door and start pushing the couch in, I start tipping it on its side so it can fit in the doorway, when it reaches the tile it starts moving better and faster, I lay the couch back on its regular side up and drag it to the back of the room, I lock the door and lay on the couch.
" Finallyyy, something comfortable to sleep on, I should make this my base from now on, but first *yawn* I should get some sleep, staying on this couch is gonna make me pass out," I say, I set my bag down on the floor in front of the couch and get some comforting sleep.

The Backrooms
HorrorIt was like it happened out of thin air, like the moment I was there then gone in the next. Like I fell through the ground, where am I? How can I get out? What lies ahead in this barren "abandoned" world? And what waits for me?... *wake up* *Wake U...