•Dinner With The Traveler•

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It's been a day since the incident with the samurais, (Y/N) has been kidnapped by none other than the Sixth of the Eleven Fatui Harbinger. The funny thing is, they don't know each other's identities.

After that threat from Scaramouche, (Y/N) kept quiet for the remainder of the day, who wants to die while they're on vacation? Most certainly not her.

He had taken her back to his boat and placed her down on a chair. To her surprise, he began treating her thigh. Luckily, the poison was a slow spreading one and the antidote wasn't needed.

Yet again, (Y/N) was surprised by what he did next. He knelt down with that large hat of his resting on her chest. It was uncomfortable, but she didn't dare say anything, after what had happened with those nobushis- she didn't want to turn into ashes.

The stab wound was right at the top of her thigh, so it was easy access for the indigo hair man. He examined the wound, knowing it was poison, he slowly opened his mouth and licked it like it was nothing.

That sent shivers up (Y/N)'s spine. She jolted her thigh up, and it almost hit Scaramouche in the head. However, he has fast reflexes and caught her thigh and pushed it back down to the chair.

The harbinger tilted his hat up so he can get a better look at the prey he caught. She was hit with an annoyed expression, and a grip that's tightening as the minute goes on.

"Stay still. Do you want to die that badly?"

"N-no. I just wasn't expecting you to um- lick me."

"Hah! Don't think that you're special just cuz' I'm treating your wound. I'm doing this so it won't cause me any problems earlier.-" he paused and smirked, making direct eye contact with her. "And what's wrong with a lick hm? I'm not going to do anything else dumbass."

That immediately made (Y/N) blush, how could she be thinking of inappropriate things with a man she doesn't even know. On top of that, she has a fiancée! Even if it was just for an alliance, that would be considered cheating.

"I- I wasn't thinking of anything of the sort!"

"Hm? Really? Then, if I continue treating your wound, you won't think of naughty thoughts?" He smirked at her as his face inches closer to the cut.

(Y/N) could only nod her head and look away, she's trying her best to think of anything but the man right at her thigh. Hopefully the general is doing well? What about the Pyro Archon? May all that is good in the world be with her-


Scaramouche licked the wound again. Due to him being a puppet, poison doesn't really affect his body like it would to humans. His plan was to suck out the poison from the source. It's effective, if the girl that was twitching would stop moving so much, he would've already been done.

As he was sucking the poison out, he spits out the poison as he went. Too much in his system may cause some malfunctions. He could be bedridden for days, weeks even.

The real reason he even bothered helping this girl out was due to the fact that he had use for her. She could be a major key in his plan against the Cryo Archon.

After a few more minutes of him sucking out the poison he lifted his head to look at her. The expression she was making pleased him. She was looking away with a flush cheek, her hand was clamped over her mouth and her eyes were a bit teary.

He slowly chuckled to himself, he could get used to that expression.

"Hey girl, you done being a pervert?" He asked her as he got up to get some bandages.

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