•To The Nation of Wisdom•

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Anyone can tell at that moment, the Sixth was irritated. He had been practically dragged to Sumeru overnight!

'Tch- I couldn't even go meet her before this blue haired cranky man came.'

"Balladeer, I'm sure you're aware of the reasonings of your presence?" Speaking of the damn devil, that same cranky man spoke.

"Dottore, I don't remember consenting to this sort of arrangements. Especially if you're going to associate with these feeble humans." The shorter man spit out.

"Hm, you don't want to protect her? If that's the case, then I'll go right ahead and snap her head off." The doctor smiled, revealing his sharp teeth.

"That's quite amusing that you're trying to threaten me. How would you know what I want?" Scaramouche questioned, actually curious on the answer.

"Remember that I fixed you up, Balladeer. Don't forget your place. Now, if you want her to live, hand over the Electro Gnosis." Dottore gave him a grin and made a gesture with his hand.

Scaramouche could only glare at the man before him. Was this guy even human? Threatening the likes of this puppet was something to rethink.

But if he didn't hand over his gnosis, he'll be experimented on again. Although he was indeed a puppet, he still felt pain.

Sighing away an upcoming headache, the shorter male reluctantly handed over his 'heart'.

"That's a good puppet, now get out. I'll call for you once you're needed." The doctor turned his back to Scaramouche and began talking to those human sages.

Currently, the process of turning this puppet into a god was this brand new. Those sages were still in the makings of his new body. Or rather, a big ass mechanical robot.

That would take at least a month or so, along with them gathering knowledge from dreams.

Scaramouche's mind had wandered (*FUTURE REFERENCE lmfao I can't wait to write Wanderer's personality) to the what-ifs...

'What if he had went to the meeting spot?'

'What if he could tell her how he was feeling?'

'What if she hated him now?'

'What if he lost her to some other person?'

He shook his head, there's no way she would forget about him. He left such a heavy impact on her, there's simply no way...

Walking around Sumeru under the guise of a traveling merchant, he blended right into the town folks.

Now, it's his turn to play the waiting game, but not for her.


After waking up, (Y/N) had a small headache because she was hungry. That was quite embarrassing. Nonetheless, Aether kindly went and fetch breakfast for her.

In truth, he stayed by her side until she woke up. He had only left to tuck Paimon into bed and came back to watch over her.

What a gentleman he was. Unlike a certain someone.

"Thank you, Aether. I'm sorry for causing you trouble last night."

"You were no trouble at all. I happened to run into your sleeping body and couldn't help but carry you back home."

"That must've been an embarrassing sight..."

"Not at all," he smiled, "I thought you were very adorable."

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